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"DEATH TO ALL NIADS!" Was the first thing Diaias heard when he woke up. He was in training camp you see; as a result, they had to do many trials to become a better warrior. This training camp is special though. It's for shape-shifters, also called "shifts" for short.

Anyway on to the good stuff. This TC(Training Camp) was standard and normal within his race. It was brutal, unclean, and worst of all was real. They used real swords, daggers, bows, trebuchets(catapult), and warships. This was to get them ready for war.

Their skills they work on for battle are; hiding, shifting, infiltrating, sabotage, and trap-makeing. All these skills are common in this training camp. And are very crucial to learn.

Of course they're were the other non-battle skills they learned their also; first aid, teamwork, tracking, cooking, and forging. These skills are not as important in battle, but they are important for survival in the wild.

Now I bet your wondering, "what about Diaias?" Well that's me. If your reading this then its to late. You must get this book to King Leo. It's crucial for your survival.

You will find many hardships; nightmares; death of friends.....wait we're still at the beginning! What am I saying? Please forgive me, these battles make you rush things sometimes.

Anyway where was I...ahh yes the training camp! Well I woke up to our battle cry; however, it varied on who we were facing. So I'm not gonna mention the various battle cries we've had, would take a whole day!

Sorry rushed into things again! But yes, I awoke with a startle from the battle cry.....

-So Comments? Opinions? Please feel free to point out mistakes :)


-mind u I will switch point if views alot so have fun!

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