Chapter Four: Thoughts.

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Graces figures just kept multiplying. There was four of Grace and one of Clair. But Clair was adapt in the ways of the marksman. She could figure out which is the real one relatively easy. She pulled her bows string back; imagined having three arrows pulled back; focused; and fired.

Bingo. She hit her mark. All three if Graces clones were killed; evaporated; vanished; what ever you took it as. After the clones vanished Grace was already in place for an attack. She made another clone attack Clair but she expected that. She unhooked her retractable bow, it's string was wind so this was normal, and used it as twin blunt daggers.

She went to do an uppercut slash with the hammer-like-dagger-bow and missed. She kept trying different moves but it was like she was fighting air. It moved at the last second as if movement was pushing her for back. So she tried manipulating the wind to help her.

She made a small swirl of wind behind her move in a violent invisible swirl. After she made this while still swinging she purposely fainted to the right then swung with her right hand which had the violent swirl of wind with it. It made contact with the clone.

The clone fell to the ground. Hands on the ground holding her up. Then looked up at Clair and smirked. Like she was planning all this. It then dawned on her that what she was fighting was a clone.

But it was to late. Right as she went to turn around she tripped and Grace only grazed her forehead. But that trip is what made Clair win. For when she tripped her bow-hammer-dagger hit Grace in the head as it went flying out of her hand when she fell.

"Clair is the winner." Said Axel. "The match between Diaias and Night will determine the victors. Good luck!"


Ouch I thought. Night is fast. While you were watching Clair and Grace's battle I over here was getting owned. Night just kept attacking. It was like a piece of cake to read my moves for him!

I have cuts all over. Night has a few cuts but between me and him both? He has way less. His attacks are pure and clean. All at the vital spots. While me just keep blocking! So I think it's time I try using my shifting abilities to its max.

I closed my eyes. Imagined the air swirling around me. Mixing with.....

"OW" said Diaias. "What happened? I was battling Night then went to use my powers. And I can't remember what happened next."

"I got you." said Night. "You closed your eyes and I shifted with the shadows to be behind u and knocked you out. Try focusing your shift with your eyes open more. Lets u be able to utilize them I'm battle easier."

"Oh and yours and Graces team lost to us." said Clair. "Y'all should learn to use different things and practice more often."

Well this sucks. I thought. So I'm supposed to be the joker. And I don't know how to use my power efficiently like the others.

"So umm... how long was I out?" questioned Diaias.

"Let's see, about three hours." Grace said.

"Enough chit-chat. The trainers told us to goto bed. We have a long day tomorrow." Axel said.

"Fine. Night." Everyone said.

Three hours later. Gosh I'm stupid. I got up and went to the window. Clair was able to see through my clones... And I'm supposed to be a prodigy?


Heh i know this was short but I had lots of stuff this weekend! So anyway hope y'all like it :D

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2013 ⏰

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