Chapter Two: Teams

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I ended up being in cabin four. I was the only black haired shifter in he whole cabin; my hair is kinda ruffled though, mind you this was common for jack shifters.

Anyway I was five foot seven. Wore a black jacket, with knives strapped to the arms. Had on black boots, with darts hidden in the soles of the shoes. Blueish black jeans with a retractable fast build bow parts on the legs.

You can probably guess but I'm more of an attacker and infiltrator then a medic and defender.

Oh yah guess what? For some reason my eyes are crimson. That's supposed to be a sign of bad omen but hey I'm still here!

But yah we got in teams. I was the only black haired shifter their. Their was a girl about six inches shorter then me and had Long blue curly hair. She looked about fourteen through seventeen. She mind you, was one feisty chick.

She wore light clothing. Meaning she wore clothing that was not as movement blocking. Her shirt was blue like her hair but didnt have any sleeves. Except a bit to cover her shoulders.

*cough* Anyway, her pants were a crimson black. They were colored in a way to make your eyes drawn to them. Don't ask me how they just were. She had two short swords strapped to her back. With a small shield also strapped onto her left arm.

Now me being a boy thought, "what can this short thing do?" Well she can do a lot. And freakin fast also!

She was able to take down one of those jockey dudes in like thirty seconds. And he was one of the top defenders for the newbies here!

She's being called an attack prodigy. But ya thats Grace Lockheart.

Next up is Axel. We don't know his last name. Never told us. Oh ya whats he look like? Lets see he's about six foot three.

Really buff; white hair, dark skin, grey thin jacket thats reversible. And normal everyday jeans.

Now by that description your probably thinking he's a defender or attacker right? Nope he's a medic. We all didn't believe it! He re-did the trial three times. And he's sure enough a medic.

But believe me medic aren't just for healing. They can poison also. And a few other things but I'm not gonna go into that.

So Axel is our healer. Which he has blue eyes for. Grace with green eyes. and shes out infiltrator with an attackers skills. And me with crimson eyes.

So far three of the six have been told. Humm let's see I'd say next up are the twins; Nightmare, male, likes to be called night; and Claireace, female, likes to be called Clair.

Now these two twins are the attackers in my team. Since their twins they can work in sync which is good for attacking since its paired up. Any-who they are good at defeating their enemy in good clear movements.

Ok so your probably thinking, "Great Twins. How in the world are we gonna tell them apart?"

Well they wear the same style of clothing. Black leather jackets. With a white tank-top underneath. And army necklaces underneath. And blue jeans with one or two holes in them.

But the two differences; other then the main differences; was their hair and eyes. Night had short brown hair with blue eyes. And Claireace had long brown hair and purple eyes, odd i know right?

Their also known as the shadow pair. They usually shift with the shadows to get to their enemies weak points. But if they can't they attack straightforward.

Our defender hasn't came yet so we don't know what she looks like or who she is. The instructor said she should be here in a few days or weeks.

So....these are my teammates... And I knew none if them. This is a new life to me. New challenges. Fun...or so I thought.

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