Chapter Three: Mettle

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"What kinda stuff can y'all shift other then y'all's bodies?" Asked Diaias.

"Well I can shift the shadows to bend to our will." Said the twins.

"Umm I can heal stuff mend stuff that was ripped etc." said Axel.

"I can bend the shadows also and the wind around me to distort my figure." Said Grace.

I looked around at them. "I can bend about anything I want to my will. As long as its within four yards." Said Diaias.

"So now that we know each other what next?" Said the others.

"Humm I was thinking about testing each others strengths and weaknesses." Said Diaias.

"Sounds like a fine plan to me. Except we should go in pairs." Said Grace.

"We agree. If we go in pairs we could make this team also able to do mini covert missions like Grace." Said the twins.

So they walked out of their cabin. And into the training grounds. Which was a field about three football fields in width and length. Had just enough trees to make camouflage for the trainees. Was also hilly in some spots and very flat in others.

So when they got there they split up into pairs. Grace with me. The twins went with each other obviously. And Night and Claireace went in a team. And Axel was their to mend our wounds if we need it need it.

"Ok no dirty fighting," said Axel. "And no dirty tricks. But that doesn't mean you can't use your environment to your advantage."

"Deal." Said the two teams.

Diaias's and Night's teams got in the ready position. They stepped up; eyes glaring at each other. Looking for the right moment to strike. The it happened. An owl hooted. Diaias not being as adapt to waiting for moments got distracted for a split second. That was the chance Night needed.

He took several throwing daggers and threw them on the ground randomly. Clair did the same. Then once the daggers were set Diaias had already gotten back in the battle. He drew one of his daggers strapped to his arms and rushed night. Their blades connected.

Sparks flew everywhere. For they were fast with their hands. Parrying each others moves and blocking them with perfection. They were almost evenly matched at normal skills. But there not normal people. There shifters; so they started using the skills that make them one.

Night started to fuse with the shadow; Diaias started to work with his bodies properties and make himself faster. This is where it started to show who was a better fighter. Of course we all know there not going all out. They just met.

While they were fighting and testing each other the girls, started their fight now. Grace took her twin daggers from her back strap. In her right hand the blade faced backwards. In the left hand she had if faced forward. Clair took out her bow. Which had an infinite amount of arrows.

How? She used shadows and the wind to make them. So her arrows were special. Mind you she also had normal arrows but she was more adapt with her shift arrows.

After they got their weapons at the ready Clair immediately shot an arrow at Grace's leg. As soon as she shot the arrow she already had her bow drawn back and shot at the other leg.

However, Grace wasn't called fast for nothing. She blocked both arrows with ease. Then she threw one of her blades at Clair and stood still. Right before it got five feet from Clair; she used he shadow it made to shift her being right where it was. She grabbed the blade and started to make a front attack on Clair.

Clair being an archer was more used to long-distant battles. But that doesn't mean she can't fight. She was still shooting as if she was far away. She could use a bow up-close or far away with ease. She was a master archer.

Clair shot three arrows at Grace. Of course grace blocked them. Then grace yet again threw her blade at Clair. This time she ran towards it at full speed. Throws her other one. Reaches in her inside jacket pocket and pulls out a police type baton for both hands. He rushes towards Clair while the swords are still flying, blade out, towards her.

Clair shot six arrows in fast succession at the swords. They bounced off; and made the swords start spiraling in circles. In result they went way off target and went six feet away from her. Once they hit the ground grace was right beside Clair. She didn't even hear her running.

Clair jumped away immediately but not before Grace cut some of her pants. In the air Clair fired six arrows in a half circle around Grace. She then shifted the properties of the shadows they made and had them attack Grace with shape points.

Grace just stood there. She got stabbed in both arms, the shoulder, left thigh, right shin. Clair's mouth feel. She was speechless. Because grace was laughing!

"It's fine. I know how to make illusions." Said Grace. "Now shall we continue?"

-Heh sorry ^~^ had writers block right at the end >.< anyway what ya think?!? Chapter 4 should be out by Friday at the latest. Earlier a Wednesday :).

Hope y'all have a good day!

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