Chapter 9

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Shalisa POV

I walk into my home and see my mom sleeping on the couch. I grab a pop tart and head upstairs to my room.

I open my laptop and go on Twitter. I see Jacob posted a pic of Bryan chained up. I felt so hurt inside. I don't have enough energy to walk. I'll just sleep.

Next morning.

I wake up and get ready for school. Hopefully Bryan comes back today. I miss him a lot.

I head downstairs and see my mom still sleeping. What a hoe.

I walk to school. I see Jacob and his squad. I walk up to them.

"Oh hey Shalisa!" He said smirking.

"Where's Mr.Ricegum?!" I yelled.

"Why? Don't you wanna date this hot mess." He said touching me sexually.

"No you dipshit! GIVE ME MR.RICEGUM!" I said.

"What if I don't." He said.

"Your little friend will get hurt." I said pointing to his dick.

"Try me bitch." He said.

I kicked his dick.

"Now Where's BRYAN!" I said.

"At home."

I ran to Bryan's house.

"Bryan!" I yell.

"Over here!" He said.

I went upstairs and see him laying on the ground chained. I helped him out.

"Thanks Shalisa." He said smiling.

"I still don't forgive you." I said.

"I was with them for you." He said.

"For me?" I reply.

"Yeah. They will hurt you if I didn't go with them. I would never say that about your eyebrows their on fleek." He said.

I gave him a kiss.

"Thank you." I said.

The rest of the day we watched duck dynasty.

Thanks for 1k reads. You better tweet Ricegum about this fanfic or you'll end up like Jacob. 😜

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