Part I

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7:50 AM, your digital watch read. You were sitting on a bench, in the garden, (behind your school), smoking a joint with your friends. Smoke blew in your direction and you immediately started to cough. Your friend, Max, emits a soft chuckle as he playfully swats your arm.

"Bro, what's that mark on your neck? Did Camila finally figure out what a jerk you are?" He asks, shaking his head in unison.

Panic immediately washes over you as you quickly pull up the hem of your thermal, covering up the fresh bruise on your neck. "Nah," you reply, shakily stumbling over your choice of words. "I-it's not...that."

You couldn't tell your friends what was going on at home with your father. You'd seen how they'd reacted to other boys in your grade being tormented or bullied by others. They had called them a shrimp, wimp and a wuss.

Max hands over the joint to you and you take a long drag. He's about to say something else until the bell rings. He rolls his eyes and huffs as he grabs his backpack from the bench. "I gotta jet. If I'm late to Geology again, that prick Lorentz will detect points from my grade and call my folks."

You roll your eyes and stay in your seat, not planning to move anytime soon. You never had the interest for school or the people there...well unless, they were girls, of course. You spent the next fifteen minutes finishing your joint and walking back and forth in the garden.

It was finally at 8:15 AM that you decided to go to English class. While you were on your way there, you crossed the same path with the one girl that you loved to tease— Lauren Jauregui. Lauren was a popular cheerleader, an honor roll student, grammar queen, anything, you name it—she was it. For some weird reason, both you and Lauren always clashed.

Whether it be over who was blocking who from getting to their next class, taking the other's seat, making corrosive remarks when they other did something wrong...there was always something to say to each other. If she weren't involved with Brad (the most idiotic and dumbest jock of the whole entire school) you would say there was some hidden sexual tension. But then you realized, Lauren was always sarcastic and sassy.

"Were you too busy making sure you sounded oh so intelligent for Mr. Kane?" you asked, blocking her way to get to class.

She rolled her eyes and connected her eyes with yours. Her eyes widened as she placed her hands on her hips, giving you a stern look, "Well, at least I do my homework and attend classes. I don't waste my time lurking around and chasing skirt."

"Ouch, that hurt my feelings, Jauregui. You know why don't you try harder next time? You know maybe...aim for my heart?" you replied; you were more adjacent to her now, your lips maybe a few inches away from hers. It looked like you were about to lean in for a lip-lock but Lauren quickly backed away.

"As if I'll ever want to make out with a low life." She says, pushing you away from her. She rolls her eyes as she scoffs while her hair flips in the most sassiest way possible. While she did all this, you couldn't help but think this was extremely hot. Her green eyes expressing anger, annoyance all the while glowing brightly. Her hair flip was a bit unnecessary but was sexy.

"You look kind when you're upset. Maybe I should make you angry all the time so you can look hot all the time. I mean who knew a nerdy cheerleader like you could actually be hot?" You say, a smirk creeping onto your face. Your lips parted, as you were about to say more but unfortunately for you, Lauren's hand had met your cheek and her knee your groin.

Vagabond (Lauren/you)Where stories live. Discover now