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Hello Hello Hello

I need your name

I need your number

Tell me your parents are home

All I've done is open my eyes

I got greeted by some lights

There's a little bit of a headache

My life is over

It's come to end like this

Hello, Hello

Little friend, little girl

Squeeze once for yes and twice for no

Say yes

But all I've done is open my eyes,

and thought about the lights

A little bit of a headache

my life is over

it has come to an end like this

Hello Hello Hello

All the people fleeing by

Black against the whites of my eyes

Can you see, see, see?

Look at me

Have you ever seen a girl dying

Before your eyes

Pay a dollar

See the show

She's dying quickly though

Hurry hurry hand in your money

Pay a dollar to see the show

The girl is dying slow slow slow

All I've done i open my eyes

and got greeted by some lights

A bit of a headache

My life is over

this is how it ends

Hello Hello Hello

All I hear is screams

Do I get to say goodbye before I go?

The world moves so slow

I'm dying so slow

All I did was open my eyes

And greeted all the lights

a bit of a headache

my life i over

this is how it truly ends

Hello Hello Hello?

Little Girl, Little Friend

Your name

I need your number

Tell me your parents are home

But your heart rate's gonna slow

Cacoethes ScribendiOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz