I Saw Through Windows

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Sometimes through windows

I see people

folding clothes

and sometimes workout equipment.

Sometimes I pass restaurants

That are empty

lights shining on nothing

and no-one.

Signs blink above glass doors

No one buys vegetables anymore.

Sometimes I see snippets of life.

Always snippets of life.

There are windows where

I see girls dance great ballets

or children learning

and sometimes people are laughing.


I see my favorite windows.


People folding clothes.

And looking to the outside.

Trying to escape

the monotony.

Another shirt

Another pair of pants.

I'm like them.

Desperately trying

For what?


An attempt to stop

Stop looking through windows

Into people and places I never will get

They resemble me

I guess

I want to live my life

Without looking through windows

and seeing things I want

but can never have.

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