Hogwarts Express

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"Come on kids,  platform 9 and 3/4 is this way"  mum said
"Excuse me can you show me how to.. " the boy with black hair trailed off as my mum said "of course dear "

After explaining what to do, we went through the wall, I was amazed at how big the train was. I was so fascinated that I didn't realise I was about to bump into someone

"Hey watch where your going !" I shouted as I looked up to see the most intriguing grey eyes that you can get lost in . He just stood there staring at me "you know the least you could do is help me up "
"Oh yeah um sorry bout that" the blonde haired boy said nervously
"I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy" he was Malfoy?.. how didn't I guess ! The blonde hair and the great posture.
"Y/n Weasley"
"Your a Weasley?  I never would have thought.." He was cut off by my annoying twin "y/n the trains about to leave we better get going" he stopped next to me as he realised that I was talking to a boy.

Before Ron could say anything i grbbed his arm and headed towards the train "Bye Malfoy" i say as i leave. "Interesting" I heard him faintly say as I left. 

As I said goodbye to my parents, they were talking to me about how me and Ron we're going go make great Gryffindors , they having stopped talking about this since I turned 10!.
As we were led on the train by Fred and George, Ron went and sat In a cabin with the boy we met earlier 

"so I'm gonna go with the twins"

"But y/n we're twins! we need to stick together and it's our first year" pleaded Ron 
I enjoyed seeing him on edge,  but I didn't want to sit with him

"Just cause I'm your twin doesn't mean I have to like you !! " I shouted as I got further down the hall.

 I saw the familiar platinum blonde hair pass me by,  but it was too late to say anything. I saw a cabin with a girl and two guys in "hey come join us I'm Pansy, this is Crabbe and Goyle " I thought for a moment then joined wanting to know someone other than my boring twin and brothers.

Ron's twin sister (Draco Malfoy X reader )Where stories live. Discover now