The Half Blood Prince

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"NO YOU WON'T BE GOING BACK THERE!" screams my mother towards Fred, George, Ron, Ginny and I about us heading back to Hogwarts after hearing how dangerous it's getting out there.

I sigh and roll my eyes knowing that she couldn't stop me, you see ever since i was put in slytherin, everyone's treated me differently...almost like their afraid of me and what I can do. its not exactly nice to be home but not feel at home.

"if you're gonna roll your eyes at me you slytherin, you can think again and pack your bags!" the boys and Ginny go silent and stare at me. I stand up and mother backs away.. shes scared of me, this is not what i wanted. However I walk upstairs without saying a word and pack my bags trying to keep it together.

I send an owl to Draco to come get me, and before I know it, a few hours after, I see a rush of flames engulf the front of the Burrow. I jump to the window and see Harry and Ginny run into the flames out to the grass, they're only here for me, little Potter thinks everything's about him. I grab my bags and rush out, i see Bellatrix she smirks at me as i watch her skip around repeating "I killed Sirius Black" trying not to laugh I run over to Greyback who takes me back to Malfoy Manner where I see Draco who is waiting outside the big doors anxiously.

Our eyes meet as I get closer, he almost looks relieved! quite a nice feeling. I've missed him so much. I give a smile and run up to him giving a long needed hug and maybe a little kiss..

He squeezes me then hesitates to pulls away as if he never wanted to let go. Not a problem to me though...

"Y/N, he has a task for me" Draco states as he looks directly into my eyes,

"who does honey" I ask, Draco stays silent and his eyebrows raise slightly. I quickly catch on "oh" i say silently, in shock really hoping hes going to say i'm wrong.  

 "what have you been asked to do!?"

"thats the thing. He wants to explain that part to you.."

"what do you mean he wants me!, I'm not a death eater"

"you see now that's 'the thing'... he wants to recruit you" before I could say anything, he cuts in "Y/N you don't want to upset him, he wont ask twice." Draco states as he walks into the room, the door closes behind him and leaves me standing outside, stunned.

'i mean Whats to lose, everyone already thinks I'm part of his plans..'

"Don't have a choice really do I" I chuckle trying to lighten the mood.. safe to say Draco was not impressed "I wish you did y/n, I don't want this for you!" he looks down tot the ground.

i lift his chin "Hey, were in this together. Im not going anywhere, lets go."

I take his hand in mine and walk towards the doors. I take a lasting look at Draco to my right who kisses my forehead before letting go of my hand and opening the doors to the manor.


A few months later, Draco and I are sat in the room of requirement staring at the vanishing cabinet, wondering even where to start in fixing the damn thing.
But first things first, we've got to deliver a package to Dumbledore.

First we tried giving a necklace to Katie Bell, so I followed her into the toilets and put her in a trance to deliver the package for us. It failed, we didn't mean to hurt her!! I felt horrible but she should know better than to open a package, I mean it's Hogwarts! Anything is possible.

However we snuck into Slughorn's office last night and mixed poison into the bottle he wants going to give Dumbledore.

"Y/N!!" Harry runs up to me, there must be something wrong if he comes to me!
He tells me that Ron is in the infirmary after ingesting poison!
"Oh no" I mutter to Potter

You can guess how mad I was at myself that I didn't think that my brother could be the one that drank it!
Harry and I rushed straight to infirmary...I let Harry go ahead but I stopped right outside the doors, I get pushed by lavender as ran straight past me sobbing. he seemed in good hands with Granger, so I didn't go any further

."It's about time don't you think. I never liked that other girl" Dumbledore states as he appears next to me. that wizard sure knows how to scare me!

I stand there and smile to myself knowing that he is safe and well, I turn around slowly as Harry seems to look around for me, wondering where I went. I start to walk away contempt that they'll look after him.

You see I make it seem as if I don't like him but in reality it's really quite the opposite, I just think at this point it's better for Ron if he thinks I don't like him, he's safe that way and can't be seen to be a target if anyone wants to hurt me in some way.
Just easier for everyone, I can't get hurt or hurt anyone else if they stay away.

The stress I felt right now. "Draco we're running out of time!" I stated sat on a table while Draco is stood in front of the Vanishing cabinet waiting for it to return with the bird. I really hope this is it now. that it works. 

"Y/n not now! you know we've tried everything" we hear a swoosh suddenly and both jump up to the doors. We hold our breath as we open the door. The bird was still. Draco turns quickly and walks towards the sofa we found. I close the doors slowly and go join him. I sit next to him and take his hand in mine and lean my head on his shoulder. "you've done so much, we'll sort this together"

He stands up and holds is hands out to me, i take them and stand up. "what did I do to deserve you y/n" Draco stares into my eyes. He leans down and kisses me, our lips connect softly. As we pull away "I love you y/n, we're in this together, but nothing is going to happen to you" I smile softly "I love you too" 


A few days later, I walk into the great hall, and chuckle slightly when I see Ron eating all the food. Back to normal I see.
Being preoccupied by keeping an eye on Ron I walk into Draco who is standing staring ahead of him. 

Draco immediately holds his hand up to stop me walking any further continuing to stare forwards.

"hey baby, whats happening, is everything o.." i stop talking as i realise Katie Bell is out of the infirmary, relieved that shes okay i'm confused as to why Draco is acting so weird. That was until i realise that the person she is talking to is Harry!
Harry turns around and I grab Draco's arm pulling him out of the hall and round he corner, he looks distraught and heads straight to the toilets, I keep walking and head towards my dorm, until I bump into crabbe and Goyle "Y/N are you okay?" They boys ask
"Yeah.. yeah I'm good, what are you two doing?" I start a conversation with them.. that was until I hear crashing.

I cant describe the feeling I got. But I knew Draco was involved, I cant tell you how.

I quickly turn and run in the direction of the noise and see my worst fear.. Draco in a pool of water and blood!
I scream for Snape and run into the water I fall to my knees and carefully lift Draco's head onto my lap while stroking his hair hoping for him to wake up or make a noise just to know that he was okay.I see Harry standing there horrified by what he's done "what have you done!!" I scream at him, he runs out as Snape makes an appearance.

I look up to see Snape come crashing into the bathroom, he does the same and falls onto his knees, he looks at me in the eye and nods as he starts to cast a spell to help heal Draco.
"Vulnera Sanentur" which I remember to be the healing spell or which I just learnt to be the counter curse to "Sectumsempra" which we soon came to learn that our own Professor Snape invented.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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