The Sorting

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"First years over 'ere " I heard the tallest man I have ever seen. 

Me , and my new  friends walked over,  and I found my brother and the boy who we met who I still don't know he name of!
We got into these boats and in the distance I saw the most beautifully lit castle, I grew more excited by the minuet.

As Pansy, Crabb, Goyle and I, along with Malfoy who had joined us got off the boat, I saw Draco move over and start talking to my brother and his friend. 

"You just be a Weasley" I heard him say . Ok I must admit that even though I don't get on with my brother , no one makes fun of my family.

"What's that supposed to mean Malfoy!?" "Oh hey y/n just that he has hand me down robes , its as if you can tell instantly" Draco said to me
I hesitated but walked off to pansy, as long as he said sorry to me I was happy, Ron didn't look to happy though.

Moments later Draco started to get annoyed that Harry (I found out his name! ) didn't want Malfoy as his friend , Mcgonagall interrupted my evesdropping as she came into the great hall and started the sorting ceremony...



I spaced out bored till I heard "MALFOY Draco" it barley touched his head when it shouted SLYTHERIN!

"POTTER Harry" now where to put you...." I heard some whispering until "not Slytherin hey? Well then just be GRYFFINDOR !"

"WEASLEY Ronald", "hmmm yes I believe GRYFFINDOR !!"

"WEASLEY Y/N" " oh, your not like your brothers your cunning sly and can achieve to great lengths, but you are loyal and brave , you have the intelligence that some may lack , then it must be......


Ron's twin sister (Draco Malfoy X reader )Where stories live. Discover now