Time skip

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So the pass couple years have been interesting I mean one of our own professors was actually...well you know who;  there was a troll in the dungeon which believe it or not..my own twin managed to save the mud blood , still disgusts me that they cohort with witches that have non magic parents! But hey who else could we make fun of every day..... yes it seems a bit harsh but they don't know anything about the magical world so why should they try to be part of it.

Anyway the last couple years were quite eventful Ginny went missing ... ok that I did care about even though we may not get on and she's a Gryffindor...she's still my little sister and no one messes with my family except me of course, but again Potter had to be the saviour the one who saved MY sister he didn't even know her, bet he just loves the attention. But he did save my sister , my only sister so for matter.

Malfoy and I continue to just try and get on with the year, cant wait to get out of here. however its not that easy when you go to Hogwarts, for example, a couple years back we were in 'Care of Magical Creatures' and that retched Hippogriff attacked Draco.  next, the dementors attacked Harry during a Qudditch match which still makes us laugh!, and an escaped prisoner escaped and turns out it was Harry's Uncle Sirius Black! I always knew that family would cause trouble.

The Triwizard Tournament was interesting,  Draco and I had plenty of fun watching from the sidelines, (don't tell anyone) but Draco told me that you know who would be making a comeback and I couldn't be more excited when it was true! 

Ron's twin sister (Draco Malfoy X reader )Where stories live. Discover now