The reality

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I was shocked,  did I hear right ?  

The first Weasley to be sorted into Slytherin! Don't get me wrong , I'm happy, but when I looked down at my brothers at the Gryffindor table and saw disappointment mixed with anger and shock in their faces

but this was my moment,  I didn't even feel bad because as I was walking down the steps to the Slytherin table, I felt like I was walking home.

As I was walking down the steps I heard whispers go through the hall "A Weasley  in Slytherin?" "Are you sure she's a Weasley" "she doesn't look like one" I ignored them all and carried on walking.

I saw Malfoy move slightly to the side, did he make a space ? I didn't want to be rude so I sat next to him and I swear I saw a smile form on his face. But this is Malfoy,  he doesn't show affection from what I've heard and seen... this just makes me more curious about him.

After the sorting had finished a banquet of food appeared on each of the tables , I was so hungry I could of eaten a hippogriff! 
We were shown to our dorms shortly after. As I entered my dorm,  a girl about my age with short black hair was already there 

"hey! good to see  you again, you know I didn't catch your name back on the train" hey Pansy!, y/n Weasley" 

"wait, your'e a Weasley?!... " she said with confusion in her voice  

"Trust me I'm not a fan of it either , my family love mud bloods who shouldn't even be here... don't get me started on the muggles" I chuckle 

"hmm you confuse me Weasley but I guess I can live that, I think we're gonna get on just right" said pansy. She fell asleep soon after this , and as I was left to unpack alone I began to wonder what this year will hold.
Guess we'll find out.

Ron's twin sister (Draco Malfoy X reader )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin