Trailer Chapter: Crimson Prt2

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Don't let your fear eat away the little hope you still have, instead search for the dim but still visible light at the end of the tunnel and make it your goal.

The boy with the sword fulfilled the things he said and accompanied the two siblings to their destination. After walking for hours they finally passed through the forest that was the fastest way to the town. With only few meters away from the town’s front gate, the warrior suddenly looked up on sky the shouted at his young companion that is carrying his still unconscious sister in a piggyback ride.

"Hurry and hide!" He ordered.

Confused at what reasons the older one may have for him to instruct him to hide, the lad also looked up at the midnight sky only to see colorful lines littering the black blanket above them.

Wondering what are the lines on the sky, he forgot to do as he was instructed; still staring at the lines the younger boy notice that they are moving, no falling towards them, and when one of the lines hit the ground it exploded.

The first explosions where far away from the small group, but it drew closer each second, and when one of the lines was directly over them and was about to hit them; the warrior easily deflected the projectile away that explode when it came contact with the ground to their left.

"Hurry and take cover!" The young warrior ordered again.

"What was that!?"

"Dust arrows!"

"What!? Someone is shooting at us!" The boy replied in panic.

"Yes, so hurry and take your sister to a safer place!"

Having a realization at the situation, the young lad run as fast as he could to the walls of the town, after setting his unconscious sister against the inner side of the wall, he quickly draw his knife readying him self for battle.

Then he notice a crowd forming near the gate; they are town's people that are awaken by the explosions, he was about to shout when some of the Dust arrows hit the roof of the nearby building and exploded.

This disperse the now panicking crowd and put fear in their hearts attracting the creatures of Grimm. In another hand the warrior continued to deflect the Dust arrows away effortlessly, but then the volley suddenly stop, and when lone warrior moved his gaze and looked straight ahead to the forest he saw the terrible creatures ready to attack.

"Oh come on! You got to be kidding me!" The white haired warrior whined.

One of the creatures which was a Beowolf howled, signaling the attack. The first wave consist of Beowolves and some Ursa, the warrior quickly dispatch the wave with ease, the second wave got more intense, putting some Alpha into the mix but was still easy in the standards of the young warrior. The volley of Dust arrows started again this time heading straight to the area of the white warrior, this made the battle more deadly.

On the other hand the ongoing panic and stampede in the town in efforts of putting out the fire that was ignited by the explosion and speared onto the houses only made the situation worst; instead of being showered to the flames, buckets of water spilled into the ground, children being dragged by hysterical crowds away from their parents and when they witness the battle outside their walls, it only got worst.

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