Interview with Melondiaries

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Hello agan everyone~

Here we have an interview with the amazing MelonDiaries who have written Metting Mr Mogul.

Such an amazing and interesting book if u ask me. U should read it

Here is the Interview with this amazing girl

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Here is the Interview with this amazing girl.

Me: whats ur name?

Mel: I prefer for people to know by my penname, Mel Ryle.

Me: where are u from?

Mel : I'm from the Philippines

Me: How old are you?

Mel: I'm turning 22 this year.

Me: do u like to write?

Mel: Yes! I love writing. It's fun, therapeutic and challenging.

Me: What is ur hobbies/like to do?

Mel: I like to sketch and paint, I watch movies too and listening to music.

Me: Do u have someone special maybe a boy -smirks-?

Mel: My special something are my collection of watermelon pillows. There are my babies. And to answer about the boy thing... sadly no. hahaha!

Me: How did u become succesful?

Mel: I'm not so sure myself. But the journey of getting where I am wasn't easy. I remember those days where I had to advertise my work in the community thread here weekly. And then slowly, it just builds. But when I entered in the Wattys 2015, and winning the Talk of the Town award, things just get out of hand from there. :D

Me: Can you give some advise to other writers or readers who wanna write?

Mel: My advise to writers who just started or those who wanted to write, just take the leap. Grab a pen and paper, sit down, and write everything that comes to mind. Do not filter yourself. Just go with the flow. Also, have confidence on yourself. It takes a lot to finish something you started, and that itself is an accomplishment. Do not worry about whether there are people who would read or would not read your work. If you are passionate, people will always gravitated to it. Just have patience. Everything takes time.

Me:Do you have some secrets?

Mel: It I spoil any secrets than it won't be a secret anymore. Hahaha!

Me: Are you gonna write a new book soon?

Mel: Yes. For this year alone, I had planned to write a minimum of two books. It's a set goal of the year.

Me: Can u tell us a little about ur books?

Mel: Currently, I have written five completed novels and a few short stories in a span of four years – give or take. Most of my works are available for free read here on Wattpad. The genres I usually cover are Romance, General fiction and Chicklit. One trait that is common to my stories are the strong – and at times too blunt that I can be rude – female characters. Also, I have one published book titled Meeting Mr. Mogul, and possibly another one on the way. *Cross my fingers!*

Me: What kind of person are you?

Mel: I'm not a good judge of character to myself. But my friend always tells me I'm an introvert, but can be crazy when I get the chance.

Me : What is ur favourite book/serie?

Mel: Julie Jame's FBI/US Attorney series. And my favorite book of them all is the one titled Something About You. I recommend this very much.

Me: Do u have something u wanna say to ur fans or readers?

Mel: There aren't words that I can describe how much I love and respected my readers for the support they've given me since I started writing. All criticism, all the journey and fun chats I have with them are part of the happiest moment I have since I started writing. I would not be who I am now as a writer without them. So, thank you a zillion times. I love all of you!

Me: What do you enjoy most in ur life?

Mel: I'm not so sure what I enjoy really in my life. I have such a mundane life. But I like it whenever I'm alone, listening to music, or reading, or watching movies. I'm prone to want to be alone, and that I find very comforting. Hehehe!

Mel: Thank you again for this opportunity! I appreciate it! :D

Me: Yes thanks im very lucky u are a nice person who loves her fans dearly and u seem like a very cool and funny girl~ ur book Metting Mr. Mongul is a very good book... and hope u get more succes in ur life.☺

Mel: No problem. And I'm glad you like one of my stories. I appreciate it very much. I hope you all the best as well. :) Thank you again.

That was all for this time.. keep hanging and u will se more interview with the succesful Authors On wattpad~ maybe one of them are ur favourite. The next interview will soon be up. Well see ya next time

XOXO Miss Rim

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