And 4th, your gonna think that you fixed yourself...

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Right, ok! It's been 2 weeks. I'm ok. His loss. I'm not broken hearted anymore. I'm over him. Time to move one. No hurt, just do it. Ryan and Adam are taking me out for drinks tonight, clear my head, start a new relationship? I get myself dressed up in my leather jacket and jeans and my white peplum with back heels. I look...attractive, I guess. Joel forced Andy to stay with him or else Andy would be coming too. That would be fun since Andy's awesome when he's drinking! I get a text from Adam saying that they are on their way, causing me to rush and get the last few things together in my bag. I dont know but iv just gotta keep telling myself that im ok...that im not suffering. Every day, my finger hovers over Joels number, wanting to call him. But I never do.  


A voice shouts through the house. I take a deep breath and go to greet them. I can do this. I hug Adam tightly as I haven't seen him in weeks and Ryan throws an arm around me.  

"A bit pale there, Nat. You sure your alright to go out?" 

Adam asks. I nod but feel Ryan shake his head quickly. Adam nods and we pile into the car. Me in the back with Adam, Ryan driving. Bless Adam, the boys don't trust him that much when it comes to driving. I check my twitter and there's a post from Joel. 

"Just can't be and @LawsonAndy playing FIFA!" 

I roll my eyes. When we get to the pub, we sit down at a table in the corner. 

"Here, Nat. Let me get your coat." 

Ryan offers, sliding it off me. I say thanks whilst he hangs it up with his and Adams on a peg next to the table. Adams debating which drink he'll start off with. It's Adams round. 

"I'll have some Guinness, please, Ad's." 

I say. Ryan nods and asks for the same. Adam nods and goes off to get the beer and whatever drink he's getting. Suddenly, Ryan pulls our heads together and connects our lips. I kiss back but I don't know why. I pull away and stare at him. 

"Erm...Iv been wanting to do that for a while now but you've been with Joel. That wasn't the best time...sorry." 

And with that he goes outside. I'm a bit all happened so quickly! My best friends just told me that he's wanted to kiss me for ages. Wasn't expecting THAT one. Adam comes back with the drinks and asks, 

"Hey, where's Rhino?" 

I point to outside and Adam sits.  

"Why? What happened?" 

He asks, concerned. I reply, 

"Erm...he kissed me and then went outside after I pulled away." 

Adams face is wierd. 

"He did it? He actually kissed you?!" 

I nod and Adam smiles. I can't help but giggle like a girl. I kiss Adam on the cheek and leave for outside. It's dark with only a single light to help you. Typical. I walk around the Ryan. I stand in the middle of the car park, or I think and hope it is the middle, and ask, 

"Ryan? Ryan, are you there?" 

I'm just about to give up when a hushed voice speaks from the shadows. 


I run into the shadows and bump into something. I'm not sure if its Ryan so I jump up and touch his hair. It's Ryan! I hug him and he hugs me back. He uses the torch on his phone and I ask, 

"Ryan, how come you wanted to kiss me so bad?" 

Ryan sighs and plays with a lock of my hair. 

"Because your awesome. You were with Joel and you were always kissing. But I couldn't help but feel like I wanted to be Joel...the guy who has YOU. I tried to stop the feelings but I couldn't. Every time I saw you, my heart heated more and the feelings got stronger, SO strong that it ached. When you and Joel broke hurt to know that YOU were hurt. I love you...but I know that 'we' can't happen so..." 

He trails off. I roll my eyes and whisper, 

"Just kiss me, babe." 

Ryan's eyes are full of excitement. He crashes his lips on mine fiercely and moves them in sync with mine. I don't know why this is happening...soon enough, Ryan's tongue is exploring my mouth. I never knew Ryan could kiss like this...this is enough to make someone go weak at the knees! I guide Ryan's hand down to my hip but he moves it down to my ass. He whispers, 


And I do so. My legs are around his waist and he shoves us against a wall. Our bodies are stuck to each other now. Our kisses get slower suddenly. 

"Shit! Adam!" 

Ryan says. He runs back inside, leaving me flustered. I think Iv fixed myself up a bit...I'm moving on...

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