And the 6th, is when you admit, you may have messed up a little...

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What have I done! What isd wrong with me! Why did I do that last night! Ryans asleep next to me. Damn...I cant even feel my legs. Fuck yout, Ryan. But hes good though. I sit up and sigh heavily. Iv been wasn't Joels fault at all. It was all mine. I kept having a go at him for the silliest things...thats why he left me, I just didnt realise that. Oh god, why am I feeling bad about last night anyway? Joel was probably doing the same thing with that girl...its still early and dark, making my room look cosy. Suddenly, I feel a hand on my leg.

"Morning, baby girl. How you feeling?"

His raspy morning voice says. I nod and he kisses my cheek. Poor Ryan...probably thinks yhat he had the best night of his life...and im just here like a moody shit.

"Ryan, it was all my fault that he lef-"

Im interrupted.

"No, it wasnt..."

Ryan says. I throw him a look.

"Yes it was! Why are you lying to me about it!"

I shout. I leave Ryan looking shocked and hurt and run into the bathroom. Im a bitch, I really am. I splash some water on my face and throw a tank top on with denim mini shorts. Lettinv my hair down messy as I walk back into my room, Ryans there with jeans and no top on. I leab on the doorframe and say,

"Ryan, im really sorry about the way I shouted at you. Its just in order to move on...I have to admit that I had a part in me and Joel breaking up. It doesn't hurt that much anymore. Im sorry."

Ryan smiles at me and says,

"So youve totally moved on? (I wave my hand a bit) Well, what about last night then?"

I giggle.

"Ryan, it was amazing!"

I exclaim. Ryan smirks and kisses me. I dont reject him. Suddenly he throws us both onto the bed and slithers on top of me, holding onto the headboard as he battles my tongue with his own. Ok, I am totally over Joel!...


(Writers note)

Hey guys! Hoped you like it and the GIF on the right is of Nat and Ryan at the end. I know that the guy has dark hair and no tattoos but lets use our imagination shall we? Haha! Please vote and comment! Thanks, bye xxx

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