Day 1: Cliche

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OTP of the day: Zade
Characters: Zane Truesdale(Canon Character), Jade Yuki (OC)
Status: As Canon as Erza giving up a strawberry cake.

Jade's POV
I was currently making cookies because Jaden for some reason said that I need to make and bring them and since I had nothing better to do I decided to make them. I softly hummed to myself as I put them in the oven. "Hey Jade, the are the cookies done yet?", Em asked. I nodded and started putting them in a container. When I picked them up she began to drag me till we got to a hill. When I looked at it I felt shocked. It was decorated with blankets, presents, and colorful curtains acting like streamer all over it. There was a big sign that said, Happy Birthday Jade. I laughed. I'd forgotten today was February 25th. "Well, are you going to stand there all day?" I heard a voice ask. I turned around and saw Zane with a box in his hands. "Wha?" I felt myself asking. Suddenly, someone jumped on top of me. "Happy Birthday Jade!" Jaden yelled. "Hey, Jaden isn't it your birthday too?" Cyrus asked. "Nope, just Jade's," he answered. "Wait how?" Alexis asked. "Well, Jaden was born on February 24 at 11:59, while I was born on February 25 at 12:02. Genetically we're twins, datewise we're not, that's just how it works," I explained. "Wait, so Jaden's older?!" Cyrus yelled. "Yeah hard to believe right?" I said as I laughed. Jaden pouted and yelled, "Hey, it's not hard to believe at al! I'm very mature when I want to be,". "Yeah, and when do  you want to be mature?" I asked. We all laughed and soon began the party. Jay and I blew the candles and celebrated our birthdays together. We played games like Mafia, Taboo, and Would You Rather?. In all honesty, I don't think I've had this much fun in awhile besides when dueling of course. At night, everyone soon started heading back to their dorms and just as I was about to leave I heard someone calling me. "Hm," I said as I turned around. "Jade, do you have a minute?" Zane asked. I nodded. He beckoned me over. I walked and he put a box in my hand. "I didn't give it to you earlier, happy birthday," he said with a small smile. Nope scratch that, microscopic, but it was still there and that's all that mattered.I kissed his cheek. "Thanks," I said and opened it. I smiled to myself. It was a necklace with a waterdrop pendant. It was red and blue. 

"May I?" he asked

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"May I?" he asked. I nodded and turned around. He put my hair on the side and clasped the necklace on. I smiled wondering how this happened in the first place. "Ya know, I never imagined you to be the cliche' type," I said. "The reason a cliche' is used is because even if it's a cliche' it's still good," he said simply. I smiled and clasped his hand. "Come on Romeo, you and I are going to catch a cold," I said as I began to walk. "As you wish Juliet," he said. My cheeks grew hints of red. Romeo and Juliet were what our friends called us when we first got together. When it came to teasing, he always did win, especially when he used Juliet because he knew I read the book and found out what happened in it.Thinking about that was very embarrassing, especially if he was right next to me smirking in  triumph. Let me tell you when Zane does actually show emotion it'll make your knees go weak because on top of his usual looks (which yes I'll admit, the guy does look good) his little emotional gestures make him look that much better. After all, my daydreaming about my cool yet nearly always emotionless boyfriend, we arrived at the dorm I turned and he cupped the side of my face. I leaned in and closed my eyes. It was a simple kiss and after a little bit we broke apart and I hugged him one last time and went inside. I waved goodbye and closed the door and changed into my pj's.I laughed as I thought about everything that happened today. It was a complete cliche' but, I didn't really mind because like he said before Cliche's aren't that bad because the only reason they become cliche' is since there just that good. From the party to the walk back it was a cliche'. when you think about it,our relaitionship is a cliche' too, so I don't mind them because it reminds me of us. A simple cliche' with the cool guy and the nerdy goofy girl.


A/N: Hey everyone. I know I started this challenge on Sunday, but well my laptop was being retarded and I couldn't post anything and it didn't let me save so, I couldn't upload anything on my phone either. Anyways this is my first try at doing a one-shot, so I'm sorry if you think it sucked. Stay tuned for the next OTP. Until then, Ja ne'

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