Day 3: Apples, Butterflies, and a whole lot of caramel

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OTP: Gina
Characters: Gaara of the Desert (Canon) and Minako Namikaze(OC)
Anime/Manga: Naruto/Shippuden
Status: So no-canon that it's on the bottom of the Dead Sea
Minako's POV
Today was the Sakura Festival, and I was walking down the street to get groceries. A couple of times little kids would wave to me and older people would smile or bow slightly which I would return. It's been 2 and 1/2 years since the war ended and now our relations with the 5 Great Nations couldn't be any better. Misa-nee and Ita-nii and are expecting a child soon and it'll be 1 year younger than Obito, my baby brother. Shina still can't get over the fact that she's a big sister. Misa is currently on maternal leave so Kakashi-jisan is acting as temporary Hokage. Hanabi was kidnapped recently, but we managed to rescue her and my idiot big brother and my unbelievably sweet best friend finally sorted themselves out and they're getting married soon. They're currently engaged but, are still waiting for a bit. Neji was surprisingly cool with it but, made it clear what would happen if Naruto hurt Hinata. Satsuki is currently dating Kankuro, Hana's with Kiba and Tsubaki's dating Lee. As for my love life, I'm currently engaged to a certain red head. As a matter of fact our anniversary was coming up. It would be officially 2 years. I can still remember exactly how it happened.
"Minako?" I heard a voice say. No way. "Temari!" I said as I glomped her. "Hey Mina," she said while laughing. I got off her and smiled. "I thought you were getting here tomorrow," I said. "We got here earlier, so I thought I'd go take a walk. Excited a certain little brother of mine is here,' she teased. I felt my cheeks warm up. "I'm excited that all 3 of you are here ok?" I said. She laughed, and said," Whatever you say,". I shook my head and smiled. No wonder Shika-kun fell in love with her. She's strong but, sweet at the same time. That's what makes me admire her so much. She and I parted ways and while I was walking I saw cherry blossoms floating. I looked down and saw all the cherry blossoms from the ground fly up and under them were minuscule grains of sand. I smiled knowing exactly who did this. "It looks nice," I said. "Thank you," he said from behind me. "It's good to see you again Gaara," I said. He nodded. Suddenly I felt a tingle on my finger. I looked and saw a butterfly. I raised up my finger and blew a little under its wings and it flew up. "It was pretty wasn't it," I said. He came next to me and said,"Yes, it was, that was the first butterfly I've ever seen,". I turned to him astonished. "Really," I asked. He nodded,looked up and said,"In Suna there aren't any butterflies or as far as I know, but they look like they belong here with all the colors so I'm glad I saw them here,". I smiled and asked,"Want to hold one?". He turned and nodded again. We stood there until another butterfly came, but it started to fall a bit. I caught it in my finger again and motioned for him to give me his hand. He didn't understand so I tugged on it until he understood and brought his hand closer to mine. I took his index finger and the butterfly crawled onto his finger. He lifted it up and blew it up. It flew off and we decided to keep walking together.  We ended up in the apple orchard which I loved to go to. Mina means beautiful apple and ko means child so put my name together it means child of beautiful apples. We went to the vendor and got caramel apples becausea I insisted he had to try them. We were sitting on a bench eating then when by accident I slightly bumped into him making his nose dive into the caramel. I couldn't help it and slightly giggled. He sat up covered in the stuff and next thing I knew he put caramel on my face. "Hey!" I yelled. He did something I've never seen him do... He smirked!  I felt myself looking away and my cheeks growing hot. "Minako, are you okay?" He asked worried. I breathed in and nodded. I got napkins and wiped my face and then gave him some. He wiped it off and while he did I kept eating my caramel apple. When I wasn't looking he bit mine. "Gaara! Why'd you do that?" I asked. "You took mine, I'm holding yours," he said. I blushed crimson and hid my face. I felt him touch my shoulder and say near my ear," It's fine, besides yours was tastier,". I blushed more and jerked my head up. Next thing I knew I felt his lips on mine. I pulled back and hid my head in his shoulder. I heard him chuckle. "Well, at least you're not hiding in your lap anymore," he teased. I got up and slapped his shoulder. "Jerk," I muttered. He chuckled and for what was probably the millionth time I blushed.
I chuckled. Who knew caramel apples and butterflies would change someone's life.

A/N: I'm not sure about Minako's name that much. a friend gave me that breakdown so if it means something different please let me know. Anways Ja'

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