Day 4: I want a talking sword

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OTP: Percabeth
Characters: Percy Jackson (Canon) Annabeth Chase (Canon)
Fandom: Percy Jackson and Magnus Chase Crossover
Status: So canon that even Athena and Poseidon ship it.
Magnus's POV

Annabeth had finished telling her story and my mouth hung wide open. She was a demigod like me. She was the daughter of Athena, her boyfriend was the son of Poseidon and she was friends with the daughter of Zeus, the greek version of Oden. Wow, I have totally lost. I did what any cousin would do and hugged her, which by the way is rare, because as I've mentioned before I'm a lot of things but, a hugger isn't one of them. Suddenly, I felt myself being pushed off and an angry teen was staring me straight in the face standing in front of Annabeth protectively. "Percy, it's okay, calm down. This is Magnus, my cousin," Annabeth said effectively calming him down. I exhaled deeply. At least I wasn't going to have another demigod want to kill me, because last time, it didn't go so well. He looked shocked, then embarrassed, then apologetic and sheepish. I arched an eyebrow. Well, this is the last type of person I'd expect Annabeth to date, but who am I to judge. He stuck his hand out and said, "Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon. It's a pleasure to meet you, and I'm sorry about before,". I shook it and said, "Magnus Chase, son of Frey and Annabeth's cousin. Nice to meet you as well, Percy and, let me make it clear that if you hurt Annabeth, I've got a talking, self-moving, sword that is also the strongest sword ever forged in all nine worlds,". He looked shocked. "You have a talking sword?" he asked. "Yep, though when I found it-"I started saying but, Jack shocked me like a laser pen. "Oh my bad, he was a corroded piece of metal."I finished. This, time he arched an eyebrow, "He?" he asked. "I told you he was self-moving and talked so that means its alive so wouldn't it make sense that he had a gender," I explained. He slowly nodded, trying to wrap his head around it. This,time I got a message on my phone. Blitz wanted me for something. "Well, sorry Annabeth but, I'll have to get lunch for you later. Right now, I'm needed so I got to go. See ya around," I said, and then summoned Jack. "Well, boss where to?" Jack asked. "Blitz's place," I answered and I let go of him and he created a curtain for me to jump through. I turned around, waved and jumped. The last thing I saw was their shocked faces and the last thing I heard was Percy say, "I want a talking sword,".


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