Day 9: Fantasia Parade

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OTP: Stingyu Characters: Sting Eucliffe (Canon) Yukino Agria (Canon) Status: Semi-Canon Anime/Manga: Fairy Tail

Sting's POV

It had been a while since the Grand Magic Games. I had been staring out from the balcony looking at the gardens in front of Sabertooth. "Sting," I heard a melodious voice say from behind me. "Yeah, Yukino?" I asked. "Are you okay?" she asked."Yeah, I'm fine, why'd you ask?" I asked. "You've been spacing out for a while so, I was concerned," she said. I chuckled. "I'm fine Yuki," I said. "Yuki?" she said slightly blushing. "Mhm after all your hair reminds me of snow. You don't mind do you?" I asked. She smiled again and shook her head. She went down and I followed a bit later. "Hey Sting," I heard Rogue say. "Hey Rogue, need something?" I asked. "Actually yes. I just wanted to tell you Fiona and I were heading on a mission for a bit," he said. "Fro is going too," Frosch said."Take care of Rogue. God knows he needs it," I said. "Fro thinks so too," he said. "Frosch... Well see you Master Crybaby," he said. I grew an irk mark. He could never let that go could he? "Rogue, Frosch come on we need to go," Fiona said. Rogue turned pink and Frosch said," Fro thinks so too," and went over to her.I smirked. Rogue and Fiona had finally started going out a few days ago. Well, thanks to Yukino and I. "Oh and by the way, the Fantasia Parade is coming up and the Fairy Tail guild asked us to come. Remember to give them our answer," he said before he left. I nodded and waved. "So they're going on a job together?" Lector asked. "Mhm," I answered. "Well, I'll be back Sting," he said suddenly and walked away."Was that Rogue and Fiona?" Yukino asked. I nodded again. "So, um.." Yukino tried to ask something but, trailed off. "What it is it?" I asked. "Well.. Lucy invited me to join the parade this year well not just me. She invited a bunch of other members from other guilds from the GMG to participate so I was wondering if I could represent Sabertooth. I know I probably don't-" She started rambling, but I cut her off. "Of course,you can represent us. In fact, I could think of no one better than you." I said smiling. She lightly blushed and said "Thank you, Sting. I'll make you and Sabertooth proud." and she started to walk away. "Hey Yukino," I called. She turned around. "I know you're going to be amazing and we're proud to have you here. Never forget that" I said. She smiled and nodded and went to her room. "Hey lover boy, there's still some paperwork you have to do," Riel said. "I'm not a lover boy Riel. Just a master letting a guildmate know they're appreciated. Now time to get that paperwork over with," I said, and headed off to my office.
Timeskip~ We reached Magnolia where I saw hordes of people lined on the sidewalk. There were also guilds like Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale, Mermaid Heel. We walked over and I also spotted Rogue and Frosch. They looked they were awaiting the parade to start. Probably because they invited Fiona. Suddenly, I heard rumbling. Probably because the parade was starting. I looked and saw the first float. All the dragon slayers were on it and did their respected dragon roars in unison.After that,all the ones with take over magic transformed. After was an ice palace with gunfires coming from it. Then the female members did a dance. The Master Makarov's float came and he grew and threw guild marks everywhere. Then the finale. It had a member from every guild I saw here. Yukino,Fiona, Lucy,Erza,Kagura,Milliana,Jenny,Crystal,Sherry,and Shelia were all on it. Suddenly, They all came into line. Milliana and Crystal came in first and Milliana made her rope while crystal used her manipulation magic and made the rope spell out Fantasia. They disappeared and reappeared on opposite sides. Sherry and Shelia used their magic and made all of the guild emblems stand in a pyramid with Fairy Tail on top. They also disappeared to start a line with the previous two.Jenny used her transformation magic and turned into a blue pegasus and flew into the air. Fiona then used her water dragon roar to make it look like little rain drops into shapes that showed all the guild marks and Jenny carried the multiple guild marks everywhere. When she landed they both added to the line that started to form. Kagura and Erza came and drew their swords and joined them together and created a show where the sparks flew and came all over the crowd. They flipped back and started completing the line. Then Yukino and Lucy came in the middle and summoned all of the Zodiacs. It was a brilliant yellow light where all the celestial spirits flew everywhere bringing all the constellations over the Fantasia parade.They too lined up and created a unison raid. It interlocked every guild mark and spelled them out too. The girls interlocked hands and combined their magic into one big firework that blasted all over Magnolia. They then raised one finger up and the parade ended. We all cheered as loud as we could. I looked around for Yukino and saw her coming down."Wow, that was awesome don't you think so Sting?"Lector asked.I nodded still shocked. "Fro thinks so too," Frosch said. "Come on Frosch, let's go congratulate them," Rogue said." Hey Sting, I'm going to find Lila, good luck with Yukino,"Lector said and winked. What? Well, might as well congratulate her too. I looked around till I saw her."Hey Yuki," I said as I waved. She looked my way and smiled. She came over and asked, " Did you like it?". I looked appalled. "Liked it?Are you kidding me I loved it! I thought it was amazing. Really Yuki give yourself more credit than that." I said. "Thank you, Sting," She said."Hey Yuki," I said. "Hm," she turned around. I tilted her head and put my lips on hers. I backed away after a bit but, I didn't let her go. "This is probably the only way I can put things. Yukino Agria, I won't be ever to fully describe everything I feel about you, but I love you a lot and even though I've said and done things that have hurt you, you are everything to me. Will you be mine?" I said in one big breath. She had tears coming out and hugged me. "What do you think the answer is?" she said. Remind me to thank Lucy, for asking us come to the Fantasia Parade.

A/N: Hey Everyone. This chapter is dedicated to my best friend, whose birthday is today. I have to thank you like crazy, and you know who you are. Arigato Gozaimas to everyone who actually reads my very bad one shots but, I'm trying so, Watashi no hanashi o o yomikudasai. That's all so Ja ne' till next time.

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