Chapter 2: The Visit

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(Plane ride over.)

Alexis screamed, on the plane. "Hush lexi, pipe down. Just hold still." You say to Alexis trying to pop her ears. "Ahhhh, you're killing me!" screamed Alexis. "Stop moving, hold still." You say. You and Alex ran off the plane with Alexis screaming to death. Soon, they popped Alexis's ears and took a cab to Alex's mother's house.

The arrived at the house. "I'm so excited!" You say walking up the steps. Alex knocks on the door. The door opened. "HI!!!" yelled Alex's mother. You laugh happily, hugging her. Alexis was behind your leg, hiding. You walked in the house saying hi to everybody in the house. Tsuraki was sitting on the couch minding his business. You got nervous just looking at him. "Hi, Tsuraki." You greeted. Tsuraki looked at you with those sexy dark blue eyes, and walked somewhere down the hall. "Rude." You thought as you sat down on the couch. Out of no where, the, 4 year old, quadruplets came  running towards you. "Auntie Y/n!" They said in sync. "Hi Ryan, Ray, Robert, and Ronald. " You said rubbing their heads. "Get off my mommy, fags!" yelled Alexis. You glared at Alex. He pretended he didn't notice you. "Alexis don't act like that. Be nice." You reminded. Alexis had a fit, but you were used to not giving a care in the world about it.

You walked down the hall, to go to the bathroom. "Y/n-chan, come here." said Tsuraki. You walked towards in his room. He was listening to My Chemical Romance : Na Na Na. You saw two males sitting on a couch, with two girls sitting on their laps gossiping. You became nervously, confused at the moment. "Take a seat." He said taking a drink of liquior.  You sit on his bed, anxiously. You were tapping your foot to the song. "Do you want to wrestle?" Tsuraki asked. "Wrestle?" You say confusedly. "Yeah." "Like uh, physically?" "Yep." "Uh, maybe later." You say unsure. You thought it was kind of childish for a 21 year old to be wrestling with a 26 year old. "Why not, know?" Tsuraki asked smiling. "Isn't it kind of 'childish' to wrestle at this age?"  You ask. "You're too old to wrestle." "Well, I would, but Alexis. She hasn't really--" "I'll handle it." Tsuraki interrupted. You paused. You were still unsure about playing with someone who made your husband nervous all the time, but then again you won 1st place 16 times in a row.

You nodded your head in agreement. Tsuraki smirked. You felt scared and playful. 


Again another short chapter. So sorry, the next chapter will be also be short. But the 4th chapter is excitingly, kind of, long. Bye peeps.

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