Chapter 4: Out of Hand

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The door burst open, Tsuraki got off of you. "What the hell?!" yelled Alex. One of the girls giggles. "Ma, call an ambulance!" Alex yelled. Tsuraki stood up, he walked Alex. "You and Y/n are staying at my place." demanded Tsuraki. "No! Do you--" "You and Y/n are staying at my place." Tsuraki teethed. Alex was still panicking, he remembered something.  He walked away. The ambulance came and took Y/n. Alex and Alexis rode with you.

Later on...

You layed on the hospital bed. Alex was standing over you, pacing back and forth. Alexis is sitting in the bed with you. You moans softly. Alex ran to you. "Babe, are you okay?!" asked Alex. "Do I look okay?" You ask. "What happened, in the room with Tsuraki!" asked Alex. "Uh, I, he. We uh, um something?" You say. "WHAT HAPPENED!?" Alex yelled, impatiently. "Let her think, Alex! She probably doesn't remember." said Alex's mother. "W-we, uh, we were wrestling, I think." you said confusedly. "That damn boy! He's 26 and still wrestles." said Alex's mother madly. "We made a bet. I cant remember what it was though." you say. Tsuraki walked in the room. "What the hell, did you bet Y/n?!" asked Alex's mother. "None of your business." said Tsuraki. The machine thingy beeped faster. You remembered the bet. ("I want everything in your value.") Which meant Alexis. "Where the hell is Alexis!?" You yelled. 

Alexis was gone, she wasn't in the bed with you. You ripped out your IV, jumped out of bed, and ran out the room. You checked the restroom, the waiting room, and outside in the parking lot. You heard a high pitched scream. It was coming from a room behind you, saying, "DO NOT ENTER!". You didn't care, you just wanted Alexis to be safe. You burst into the room, Alexis was about to be cut in half. The man probably couldn't hear her over the noise the saw was making. Your back was still injured. You ran and (Side Kick!)ed the man in his face, knocking his glasses off. The saw was still going. You layed onto of Alexis, as in the saw was targeting you. You put your feet on the huge bolts, of the saw, pushing it back. The man got up, he pressed, " MAX SPEED". Which made it twice as hard to push it back. Tsuraki was standing in the door way, Alex pushed him aside and pulled Alexis to safe ground. Before Alex could get you, the man punched him in the face. Alex passed out.

The saw cut your hospital gown. "Oh shit!" You whine. Tsuraki watched you closely, You looked like you were giving birth. You were sweating hardly, with your legs wide open. The saw cut your thigh, real deep. The cut made you stronger, you pushed the saw back further. The saw broke from it going to far. You rolled off the bench, Alexis came running towards you. You hugged her. Alex woke up. Tsuraki looked at the scene. You noticed hm. "What are you waiting for." you ask. "For when you guys are ready to leave." replied Tsuraki. "I'm going with your mother." " You cant she doesn't have enough room." "So, I'll sleep in her oven if I have to." "(*Heart beat sound* Does that mean shed rather die than be with me?!) You're coming with me." said Tsuraki walking off with a weird look.


Dude, I expected this one to be long. Well, that's what it felt like. Hopefully the next chapter will be long. Bye peeps.

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