Sleeping Kitty

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Marinette's P.O.V.

I get home and enter my room,
"HUH?!" I gasp and jump back, startled

Chat is in my bed....

I go up to yell at him, but then I see him sleeping......
Now this is where I would have pulled him out of my bed..., but..... The way he looked...

His face was flushed his mouth open only slightly, his hair was kind of messy and his nose was pink. He was also squeezing my pillow in his arms...

I watched as his chest raised up and down with his rhythmic breathing, he was also purring slightly....

I found myself reaching my hand out to pet his hair.
I run my hand through his hair.
he shivers and exhales slightly

It made my heart skip a beat.....

I walk over to my mirror and let my hair down. It was cold... I got in my bed next to him and just sat there. Reading a fashion magazine, I waited for him to wake up

He then shot up, clenching the blankets, his face was completely red and he was breathing heavily

I smiled at him, but he didn't acknowledge me. It was like he didn't see me. He looked deep in thought... Almost conflicted looking

"Rise and shine, kitty" I said smiling
His eyes widened and his head swung around to face me

Was it something I said?

"O-oh... Hi..."
He looked like he was confused
And then he jumped back, falling off the bed.
"OH MY- UHH- H-HEY PRINCESS! N-NO HARD FEELINGS ON ME BEING IN YOUR BED RIGHT????" He asked while looking up at me with a toothy nervous smile

I sighed and gave him a genres smile, with a soft tone.
"No, chat- no hard feelings"

He calms down and climbs back on to the bed

"So what are your plans for today?" He asks me, tilting his head innocently

"Ahh... Just thought I'd work on that design..."

His face got a slight pink dust over it

I put the magazine down and went to go get what I've made of the outfit so far.

I sat down at my desk and turned a lamp on, so I could see better. And with that, o began working on the outfit

It wasn't before too long that a felt breath tickling me, I gave beside me,

Chat was looking over my shoulder at my fingers doing their work with the thread.

"Chat, your blocking my light" I say plainly
He snickers and goes back over to the bed and waits patiently

"So......... How are things at home?..." I ask cautiously and concerned. I know it's a touchy subject.... But I want to know if he's okay

I can't see him, but I could almost hear his surprise to my question,

"Same as always..." He says in a blank tone. He sounds emotionless

"So I'm guessing it's..."

"Not the best..." He continues my sentence

I sigh,
" well... I'm here for you anytime you need me..."

He's silent

I'm so close to being done with the outfit.... But my fingers are hurting... I would use a machine, but this needs to be precise...

I get up and stretch... It's so cold

Chat is laying down on my bed- he's just staring blankly at the ceiling.

I walk over without him noticing...
Okay- I sneak over without him noticing

Then I pounce- and lay on top of him

He let out a groan from me jumping on him

"Hey there, haha" he says while smiling at me

I smile back

I start to get comfortable on his stomach and between his legs

"Woah- what are you doing?" Chat asks

"I'm trying to sleep... But SOMEONE is in my bed"

"Well I can't get out of your bed if you don't get off"

I flip on my stomach and bury my face into his chest, while wrapping my arms around his torso to snuggle up

"But I'm not getting up!" I complained like a whiny child

"M-Marinette....." He stuttered

"Shush! Just go to sleep!" I yell at him

His eyes widen
"So you want me to spend the night with you?"

I nod

His facial expression turns nice and genuine
With a warm smile..
He lays his head back on a pillow,
And I can feel him run a hand through my hair.
The action makes my cheeks burn for some reason

I can feel his hand do its magic in my hair
Tugging slightly, caressing gently, rubbing a bit, scratching softly, and brushing my hair out with his fingertips... It felt nice and soothing

My eyes flutter open and I look up at him drowsily

His eyes were on me, half lidded, with a warm smile... It was a facial expression hard to explain. But it made me feel comforted and warm

I get up slightly and he raises his brow

I move up on the bed, so that our heads are level, and close...

His eyes lock with mine.
His mouth is slightly agape, and breathing quite heavily. And his cheeks are slightly tinted pink

I stare into his green orbs.... Calmly

I feel safe with Chat...

He wraps an arm around me, and I jump slightly, but I soon melt into his touch I snuggle up close to him,
One of my hands are in his hair
The other is near the side of his face
He wraps his other arm around me as well, except this one is slightly caressing me and kneading his thumb into me

It felt relaxing...

I fell asleep beside him, with a smile on my face

MariChatOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora