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Marinette's P.O.V.

Adrien asked me out?!
Adrien asked me out!!!
Haha! Oh my god! I'm so excited

"Tikki!!! What should I wear?!"


"Oh no that's too in the face uh- perhaps this-"



I swing my head around and look at Tikki

"What about Chat...?"

I feel my heart sink. Chat... yes... well...
"Tikki, we have talked about this and I don't want to talk about it anymore..."

Tikki shakes her head,
"No, Mari! You need to talk about it! Your hurting Chat!"

"He's hurting me!"

"How??? He didn't do anything!"

"If he could just have never noticed like he always did this wouldn't have happened!! The one time he decides to be logical and I drop the biggest hint! Now he knows! And now I can't show my face because I'm a disappointment to ladybug!"

Tikki looks completely taken aback and sad..
"Marinette.... Chat is in love with you-"

"Yeah- well so is Adrien!"

Tikki's face wavers
"Yeah.... chat is in love with you"

"Tikki. Stop."

"... Mari... you just said it yourself..."


The doorbell rings and instantly I panic.
Snap! I didn't get anything to wear!
I quickly go into my closet and.... see the chat noir inspired outfit that started it all... I reach for it but then quickly pull my hand away and instead grab a dark blue above the knee dress. I through my hair up in a bun and instantly I'm out the front door

"Hi Mari!"
He chirps

Ahhh so cute

"You look lovely"
I go red
"Th-thank you! You too! Well wait- er- of like, feminine lovely but you know... handsome?"

Nailed it

"Oh - uh- thanks"
He nods and flushes slightly.

We get to a coffee and pastries shop. I love this place.

We start talking and its fun... it's amazing actually... I feel so incredibly happy...


I feel a strange sense of longing for chat with him...
Perhaps it's because I see Adrien's green eyes and blonde hair and they remind me of Chat's...?

He looks slightly sad too... I'll catch him looking at the ground looking distant and maybe even empty..., Conflicted.... he looks conflicted...

Suddenly there is a loud boom...
we are being attacked, Adrien and I look out the large windows and see an akumatized person... oh no..

I peak in my purse...
But Tikki isn't there

"Oh no"

I look around- panicked but then suddenly I can't help but feel eyes on me,
I look to the side and see Adrien looking at me with a look I cannot describe. Staring at me bored, as if expecting something from me...

He has his face against his hand which is propped up by his elbow on the table. He is staring at me calm... too calm... the average person would be freaking out right now

"Why... are you looking at me like that?"
I ask cautiously

"..... did you leave your Kwami at home?"

I jump- WHAT?!


He sighs in a sad manor and shakes his head before looking away... looking incredibly depressed... It kills me... wait... I know that feeling

"Well then... run home and get your kwami and I'll distract him...
Plagg... claws out..."
He says in a monotone voice

Instantly he turns from the Adrien I thought I knew to the Chat Noir I know.

He runs out before I can say anything....

Oh my god...

"Marinette.... Chat is in love with you-"

"Yeah- well so is Adrien!"

Tikki's face wavers
"Yeah.... chat is in love with you"

Tikki knew... TIKKI KNEW ALL ALONG!?!


I sit in shock before getting myself together and running home to retrieve Tikki


Tikki looks so relieved to see me and then she quickly does as told
I swing out on my YoYo

I see the commotion and go over there to help Chat

"My Lady! It's a really good time for a lucky charm or something because I need HELP!"
He says while fighting


Before we know it...

The fight is over...

"Bye bye butterfly..."
I say as I see the purified being fly away....

I turn to look at Chat.. he flinched and looks... extremely pained..

"... I-"

"I'm kind of afraid to say anything because I'm afraid you'll run away..."

I instantly feel guilt....


"Was it.... one sided? Did I get miscommunications?"

"Chat no I just-"

"Panicked? .... Freaked out?... I did too.."

We stand there in silence... his miraculous beeps..

"This is the part where you tell me to go... because you don't want us to know each others identities....."
He reaches up and removes his mask.... revealing his face

"I'm sorry but I think our identities are found out this time, My Lady..."

I stare at the ground,
"Chat..... please..."
Tikki detransforms herself

I'm just marinette now... standing weak and more open than ever...
"Chat I'm sorry I was just scared!"

"Of what???"

"I was scared I was a disappointment.."


I jump in surprise

"Did all that time we spent together not prove it?!
I'm in love with you! I wasn't lying! ADRIEN WASN'T LYING!"
He has tears building up

I blink a few times.... I knew he did... I knew it.... but hearing him say it... I can't help but smile

"I love you t-"

Before I can say another word, his hands cup around my face and pull my into a deep kiss....

My heart races and my body heats up

Oh my....

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