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Chat's P.O.V.

Marinette had fallen asleep now- but I was still awake... Studying her face

She had the cutest smile on and she looked so delicate.
The way the moonlight hit her skin made her look like an angel
I could see her breath. And even feel it slightly

Before I knew it,

I was memorizing every detail of her face

I think I'm in love with her...

... It feels so weird to say that...

But at the same time, it feels so right

I play with her silky hair with my fingertips
I couldn't be anymore entertained
And I'm just staring at her
I see her flushed cheeks and delicate freckles

I see her long lashes and perfect completion

She's beautiful

I feel myself becoming tired
I fall asleep in the same bed as the one I'm in love with...


I wake up the next morning and marinette is still asleep

I drowsily look around and then I realize-
I'm Adrien.....

I carefully pull my arms away from marionettes unconscious body and slip out- I grab plagg- who is sleeping on a pillow-by the tail and pull him outside threw the window

He groans "what's the deal, Adrien?"
"We need to transform back into chat!"

"So your cutting your slumber party short?"

I roll my eyes, "I'll give you cheese"
Plagg's eyes snap open "deal"

I want to get back before marinette wakes...
So I run all the way to my house- and I enter


So much for getting back before marinette awakes....

"Just WHAT were you doing away from home, young man!?"

I sigh and get ready... Here we go-
"I was hanging out with Nino"

"That is NO EXCUSE! You didn't even tell me?? What power do you think you have?"

I stay silent and look at the ground

I can see plagg sneak away... I know exactly what he's doing

Time to improvise.
"None- but I was just having a good time... An amazing time"
I kind of lost myself in thought for a second
"What about school???!"
"There is none today" I say loud and clear
But then I mumble under my breath, "you'd know that if you listened....."

He sighs- "I was.... Worried.."
He says in a hushed tone
My facial expression changed to a bit more of a gentle look
At least he still has a good side to him.., it rarely shows.. But I know it's there

"No worries, I'm fine" I say smiling
He nods his head,
I see plagg race back with cheese

"Well I got to go dad!"

I race out



Plagg eats the cheese and I'm chat noir again

I jump through Marinette's window
She's awake

"Hey kitty"

"Ah- sorry! My miracul-"

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