Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

William couldn't help but grin stupidly to himself as walked back through the Palace, a definite spring in his step as he felt the points where Abey's lips had met his still glowing warm. He was reunited with the girl he loved, and she was well on her way to making a full recovery, and on top of that so far no-one had questioned their unusual relationship, and even more it was his birthday in just over a week, the perfect opportunity to make a big announcement...

He felt on top of the world and nothing could bring him down now, not the odd glances people gave him as he danced by, not when Georgiana called an insult to him as he passed, not even when he was approached by one of the Palace slaves with a message from his Mother.

"Sire, the Queen requests your presence in her reception room at once" The slave bowed before the Prince.

"Of course, right away. Thank you, Miss" He beamed back, turning around and making his way to see his Mother. The slave looked after him with a confused look. She thought he would want to avoid the Queen, she was definitely not in a good mood.

"Good Evening, Mother" William swung around the doorframe as he entered the reception room, before leaping into a chair and sighing happily. "I'm sorry I left so suddenly before, there was just something I had to do and it couldn't wait. It's all sorted now, though" He smiled as he suppressed a chuckle.

The Queen was stood in front of the large window, looking out over the gardens with her back to William, her arms folded.

"Someone is certainly in a good mood" She said, William not hearing the cold tone in her voice.

"Everything is going right today, Mother. Everything is wonderful and everything is perfect..." he replied wistfully, leaning his head back and closing his eyes contentedly.

The Queen felt the blood in her veins start to heat up as she listened to her son's lovelorn voice.

"So it's true then" She said curtly, not turning to face the Prince.

"Lot's of things are true, Mother. You'll have to be a bit more specific." William laughed lazily, his head still back and his eyes closed, a lopsided smile on his face as he thought of Abey.


William's head shot up and he stared at his Mother, who had now turned to face him with a stony glare. He held her gaze, his elation slowly starting to drain from him.

"I don't know what you mean" he replied uncertainly after a long pause. His Mother continued to stare at him.

"I saw you. Together. Just now." She said, William feeling like her stare could turn him to ice. "But I want to hear it from you. Is it true?" She repeated, her eyes piercing.

William sighed and sat up in the chair, avoiding his Mother's gaze as he stared at his hands, fiddling with them as he rested his elbows on his knees.

"Yes. It's true" He said resignedly. This wasn't how we had wanted to tell his parents, especially not his Mother. He looked up and met her gaze once more. "I love her" he said quietly, and watched as the icy stare turned first to disappointment, then anger.

"How could you do this to us? Have you taken any thought to how this will look?" The Queen seemed to burst, her voice rising steadily as she started to pace around the room. "And what about the girl? Leading her on-"

"Mother, I just said I love her!" William shot to his feet, his voice also rising.

"Don't be ridiculous, William. She's a slave." The Queen spat.

"And I don't care about that!" William retaliated, standing his ground. "I love her, and she loves me-"

His Mother span around at his words, letting out a callous laugh. "Oh yes, of course she does" She said sarcastically, "And I think we can all guess why. The slave pursuing a relationship with the Prince. Really, William, are you so blind?"

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