Harry Imagine for Jenna

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Woop, second imagine of this whole 'spam' thing haha :P So this is for Jenna, and hope she likes :) Go and follow her @Jenna363 :)


Harry's PoV:

They always ask this question. What should i do? Say my actual answer Or just say i havent got one? But she makes me crazy. Just do it Harry. No, because she is here tonight. But i would like her to know. Wait i cant .. the fans. They'll be devastated. But it's what you want Harry. Yeah but the fans they mean so much to me. But you've had serious crush on her, for ages now. But .. No I can't. Do it. No . Yes. No . Yes. No. Yes . N...

"Harry?" The interviewer asked again, pushing the microphone closer to my face.

Just say it!

"Jenna..... My .. um... Celebrity crush is .. um.. Jenna" my whispering near the end, shutting my eyes tightly for a spilt second, then reopening them again.

The audience 'awwww 'd', and my face turned a tomato red, trying to hide my face from the cameras.

"Jenna (Your Last Name)?" The interviewer inquired, looking at me, eyebrows raised.

I slowly nodded my head, a smirk spreading on my face.

"And isn't she here at the VMA's tonight?" The interviewer chuckled, looking around the arena, for her.

The big screen on the stage instantly lit up, her tomato red face covered it, as she shook her head, hands covering her face as she giggled. The audience roared with laughter, and screams here and there.

She is so beautiful.

I admired her embarrassed state for as log as I could, until I remembered the camera was on myself too.

"Looks like she's just as embarrassed as you" the interviewer laughed, as did the audience. Me too chuckling in my nervous state, my hand rubbing the back of my neck, for some sort of distraction.

"So Harry, how long has little crush been going on for?" The interviewer pushed. I've given him my answer, don't me feel more embarrassed. I shook my head, looking at the floor grinning to myself. Fixing my hair before speaking. All eyes on me.

"Um, well I saw her at the red carpet for the TCA's and I .. um ... She's .... um ... I don't know how to say it really haha" I chuckled, going beet root red once again. Great going Harry.

"Ever spoken to her?" He asked, eyes focused on mine waiting for an answer. I looked towards the screen, looking at her face, intrigued into what I was saying.

She is so beautiful.

"Only briefly. But I'd love to talk more." I smiled, as the audience screamed, and her face on the screen, grew once again.

"Well I think she knows how you feel now. Hopefully you'll get the chance to talk sometime"

"I hope so" I gleamed. My fingers fiddling with my bow tie. Looking down, smiling to myself.

"I'd like that too" a voice echoed through the arena, I turned to see who it was. My eyes stunned and embarrassed as I saw Jenna right infront of me, mic close to her mouth.

She giggled, cheeks going red. As I smiled up at her. The audience screaming, and shouting.

"Harry, I also heard that you are quite the gentleman?" The interviewer laughed through the mic, I smirked, standing up,him passing me the microphone.

"I am" I smirked, leaning down to sweetly place a kiss on Jenna's cheek. She smelled so good. I pulled away her looking right at me, blushing ferociously. The crowd going crazy. Literally.

Her smile grew wider, dimples popped and her face seemed to light up the room. (A/N I don't know if you have dimples Jenna but I thought it would go with the moment, haha)

She is so beautiful.

"Right so next up is, Ed Sheeran." The interviewer bellowed down the mic, grabbing the crowds attention, before they all went wild again.

The music started playing, as Ed strummed his guitar.

I sat down as Jenna found the seat next to me. I blushed. She wants to sit next to me? I smiled to myself.

I leaned towards her, whispering in her ear.

"Sorry about that"

She smiled, leaning Into my ear, whispering.

"It's fine, at least I didn't have to do it"

I have her a confused look.

"What do you mean?"

She giggled. I admired.

"I like you too Harry"

She looks towards me, Blushing. Being myself I blushed again.

"Bu.. Wha... I mea... I..." I couldn't get words out, y moth gone dry, at the words se spoke. She likes me ?

She turned back to the stage. Still leant over to my ear.

"I've always liked you" she whispered, the biggest smile I've on her face. Making me smile too.

She's so beautiful.

She's just ..... Beautiful.


So hope you enjoyed it Jenna :) Dont know why but this one took me ages haha, I think it's because I'm tired I dunno :/

Right just thought I'd do this but I'm gonna do this like competition thingy where you guess the song, to the lyrics ill be writing on here. And the first 2 to get it right gets a shoutout :) Everybody Understand ? Good :) Ill try and make the first one easy ;)

Ok so the first lyrics are ....

"Lets dance in style, lets dance for a while"

Good Luck :)

~Lou xx

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