#57-BSM- Cute Moments (Age 2 - 4)

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Shoutouts !

Thankyou to @aj_falllover and @Auroratomlinson12 for voting so much on my book <3

(If you want a shoutout, keep voting!)


Niall: You tried to fall asleep but you couldn't. Every time you close your eyes you you open them after a few moments again. Feeling alone since you can't sleep you climb slowly out of your bed towards the door. After you opened it slowly you hear the TV and so you walk down the stairs carefully. Niall sits on the couch watching some show. Slowly you walk over to him. "Ni?" you ask quietly. His heads turns to you clearly surprised to see you at this time. "What are you doing here?" You shrug your shoulders and walk slowly to him. He picks you up and sits you on his lap. "Now tell me why aren't you in bed?" he asks. You hide your head in his shirt. He chuckles quietly and lifts your head up. "What's wrong?" You look up at him. "I can't sleep." you whisper in his ear. "Well how about that. We go upstairs together and you can sleep in my bed today?" he says and pocks your stomach lightly. You nod your head yes and he carries you upstairs to his room. He lays down with you on his stomach. He rubs your back lightly and you feel your eyes getting heavier. It takes only a few more minutes before you fall asleep. He kisses your head lightly before closing his own eyes.


You always wanted to go with Liam to the studio and today he decided to take you with him. You always thought it would be super exciting and in the beginning it was but now you get really bored. The boys all waited until it was their turn to record and you just sit beside Liam waiting that something happens. "Liam aren't you doing something else?" you ask looking around. "Well Harry is recording right now and it's my turn after him. I have to wait." he explains while looking through his phone. "But can you play with me?" you whine and point to your dolls in the corner. Just then Harry comes out of the recording booth and Liam stands up. "We'll play later ok?" he says and doesn't wait for your answer. You sigh and look around noticing that all of the boys look tired. Not wanting that they are mad about you when you disturb them you grab your dolls and walk carefully out of the room. You walk a bit around before sitting down and starting to play on your own. After a while you heard footsteps and suddenly someone saying your name. You look up and see Liam running over to you as he sees you. "(Y/N). Here you are." he sighs and picks you up. "Why did you walk away?" he asks as he holds you in front of him. "I want to play but all were tired." you explain mumbling. "Come on. We go eat something now and play at home." he says and holds you close.


You're a little kid so of course you love to play. Often you found yourself either playing in your room or outside. Since Louis doesn't is on tour right now he visited you often. You loved those times since Louis always played with you. After he arrived you run up to him holding a ball. "Louis? Play with me?" you ask and holding the ball with your small hands up to him. "Well of course." he laughs and walks with you outside. Slowly he kicks the ball to you and you run after it laughing. With all of your power you try to kick it back put it rolls not so fast. It goes on like this for a few minutes before Louis kicks the ball once again but this time you start to run towards it thinking it's not so fast. "(Y/N). Stop." Louis tries to yell but it was too late. You stepped on the ball and landed on your butt. Shocked you sit there for a few seconds before you start to cry. Quickly Louis runs up to you and wraps his arms around you. He gives your head a kiss and hushes you. "It's ok. Does it hurt?" he asks as you cling on his body. You shake your head yes. "Aww. Come on we go inside and I think we still have a bit ice cream." he smiles down on you. "Ice cream?" you ask quietly stopping crying. "Yes ice cream." he chuckles.


Zayn promised you on your birthday that he would take you to the zoo when he has time. Luckily he had time today and you were excited as you he picked you up. "Can we see the monkeys?" you ask as he starts to drive. "Of course." he chuckles as you bounce in your seat. "I'm glad you have time." you say and stare out of the window. "What do you mean?" he asks confused. "You're away often. I know it's you job but I miss you." you tell him simply not noticing how hard this is for Zayn. As he stays silent you look to him and get confused. "Are you sad?" you ask getting upset. "What? No." he laughs forced and rubs his eyes. "But you cry." you state. "I just. I just miss you too but it's part of it. If I could I'd change this. Just then you arrive at the zoo. He comes over to your side and unbuckles you. He picks you up and you stare at him. "I love you." you say smiling and kiss his cheek. "I love you too." he laughs. "Now come on I think the monkeys are waiting."


You love to go to the beach. You couldn't sleep yet but you still liked to go into the water even if you're always a little bit scared. As you played with in the sand Harry sit next to you. "Want to go into the water?" he teases already knowing your answer. "Yes!" you yell and stand up. He takes your hand and you walk together towards the water. You squeal as the water touches your feet. "Should I hold you and we can go further in?" Harry asks. You nod your head and he gently grabs you. Slowly he walks in with you always making sure you're not scared. You laugh as you splash water at him. "Hey. That's not nice." he pouts. "But I love you." you say and hold onto him tighter as he goes a bit further into the water. "Don't let me go." you whisper suddenly scared. "I wouldn't. Want to go back?" he asks and you nod. "Don't worry I have you. Nothing will happen." he whispers in your ear as he walks with you out of the water. "Look. We can just stay here." he reassures you as you're back on the beach.

Love Lou x

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