#54 BSM PART 2

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You cried almost the whole time because you thought Niall didn't love you any more. You hadn't done anything wrong so why was he like that towards you. Doesn't he trust you any more? After a while Niall comes in your room. "Hey. You good?" he asks as he sits next to you. "No." you sob not really caring that Niall sees you like this. "You don't love me any more." You hear him sigh before he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his lap. "Of course I love you. Who wouldn't? And I realized this now. Your my sweet pea and I know you give everyone a fair chance. I'm sorry sissy. How about we go down and eat ice cream?" Your eyes start to shine as you agree to what he suggested. "Let's go." you yell as you take him by the hand sprinting down into the kitchen , without thinking about what had happened earlier.


A few hours later you were sitting in the corner of your room, talking with your favourite stuffed animal. "He doesn't love." you sob quietly. "But I do."
"I'm sorry." A voice startles you. "I know she lied . Normally you wouldn't squirm out of my arms. I mean since when do you refuse if someone wants to do your hair. I should have noticed earlier." he says while he kneels in front of you. "Ok." you say simply. "Can you do my hair now?" you ask him pointing to the mess on your head. "Of course I can. Come on let's get you dolled up and then we can play princess together." You laugh while you run into the bathroom ready for your new hair style.


You couldn't believe that Louis would call you that. Of course sometimes you made a bit of drama but never about the way people act. You just wanted to spend time with your brother but he was to busy to do something with his girlfriend. A knock interrupts your depressed thoughts. "Can I come in?" your brother asks. "No" you yell but of course he ignored this. "I'm sorry." he says simply. "For what." you say emotionless. "I called you a drama queen. It wasn't fair. She told me that she wanted to spend the day with me and l I said you could hang out with us too, but she freaked out. That's when I noticed you were right. And now I wanted to know if you want to do something together." he asks. "Well I wanted to watch movies with you in the first place.." you trail off. "Well then come on." he says and grabs your wrist.


You couldn't even enjoy the movie with the things that had happened a little while ago. It wasn't helpful either that Zayn's girlfriend kept sending you mean looks over your way. After the movie finished, you walked out together. Zayn turned to his girlfriend and you knew he wasn't interested in you any more. At least this is what you thought but what Zayn tells her next was a surprise not only for you. "I think you can find your way home. I don't think you have the right to be like that towards to my sister. I saw the looks you gave her. And now I feel terrible that I didn't believe her before." He turns to you and walks with you, out of the cinema leaving her alone.


You needed a few more minutes and then you finally finished all of your homework. You were more than tired, so you decided to go to take a nap. You are woken up by someone laying next to you. "I'm sorry sis." Harry whispers. "Really?" you whisper back. "She told me what really happened. She didn't mean it like that. She had a bad day too. I know you don't like her but it would mean a lot to me if you give her one more chance." You think for a while. "Ok. A last one. I guess if you like her that much then she can't be that bad." you tell him, smirking. "She really isn't. Just a few problems when she meets new people." he smiles happy that you were giving her another chance.

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