Home Alone

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What woke me up was somebody turned the light on.

I was in bed, warm and comfortable. Was everything that happened, everything with Joker, was that all a dream? Was I back home, and my mom was gonna tell me to wake up for school?

"Wakey Wakey!"

His voice crushed my small hopes.

Suddenly I felt something hit the bed next to me and it jutted me awake fully.

I opened my eye partly. Joker was next to me jumping up and down on the bed like a child.

I panicked and tried to put some space between us and ended up landing on the floor.

I heard him flop down on the bed. A second later he peered over the side of the bed to glare at me.

"Do you have a thing against beds?"

"No, I have a thing against you" I replied angrily

He jumped off the bed and started for the stairs.

"I came down here to check on you at 2 am and you were laying on the floor like a dog. Beds are for sleeping. Now come on, "

With that he was gone.

He picked me up and carried me to bed? Why would he care?

Slowly I got to my feet, even though my body begged me to stop. I was so sore. Kinda like somebody pushed me down a flight of stairs....oh..wait....

I peered into the full length mirror that was propped up against the wall. I looked awful. I had a bruise on my jaw line and another on my eye. I pressed my fingers against them. Yup it was a bruise. Ow.

There was still blood in my hair and I still haven't taken a fucking shower!

I walked up the stairs, wincing with every step.

When I got upstairs, Joker was sitting on the couch in black dress pants and a purple button down. It was unbuttoned and from a distance I saw a bunch of pink scars of all sized and shaped on his chest and stomach and wondered how they got there.

There were also two other men. One man was tall, muscular with long black hair tied into a pony tail dressed all in black and really scary. The other was average sized and slim. With blonde hair combed back wearing a white button up and dress pants.

All eyes turned to me.

Scary guy raised his brows at me. He had a long scar running from above his right eyebrow to the middle of his cheek.

"Who's the girl, boss?" He asked curiously

Joker groaned a bit and jumped up and trotted over to me and threw his arm around me.

"Boys! This is Alaina. My Daughter"

Scar face-scary dude's jaw nearly hit the floor.

"You have a kid?" He said a little bit too shocked sounding

"What? You don't see the family resemblance?!" Joker asked as he grabbed a hand full of my hair and yanked my head back.

He let go and took a few steps back.

"Alaina, this is moron is Joe over there is my right hand man, Johnny Frost"

"Hi" I said quietly

"Do you want some breakfast?" Johnny asked

He was offering me food?! Was I allowed to have food? I looked over to Joker waiting for him to react and he didn't so I guessed it was fine...


He walked into the kitchen

"You're going to have to spend some time alone today" Joker told me.

He's gonna trust me to stay here alone? Really?

"Why?" I asked

"Daddy has some work he needs go get caught up on"

Johnny came and handed me a plate with some toast on it. I went and sat down on the couch. I was so hungry and it smelt so good but the more I thought about it, should I trust eating? What if its poisoned?

I stared at my plate off yummy food and wondered if it was gonna kill me.

Joker noticed. He walked over to me and took a piece of toast and took a bit.

"It's not poisoned, you're fine. Why would I go to all this trouble just to poison you? If I was gonna kill you I'd make it GRANDER than that.."

Made sense I guess.

I slowly began to eat. It was so good, it was just toast but it was so good!

"Ready, J?" Johnny asked. Joker nodded.

Joe and Johnny walked out of the door.

"Just so you know. We are alone for a mile and every direction. But, at this moment I have men watching this place. I told them they are not allowed in under any conditions, BUT if YOU take a step outside you're fair game. These men have been in Arkham and haven't seen a women in two years, so just keep that in mind."

"When will you be back?" I asked

"Not sure"

With that he walked out the door and slammed it behind him. I watched out the window as he got into the drivers seat of a black car and the car sped away.

I ran over to the door and made sure it was locked.

What was I supposed to do now?

Maybe I could contact somebody for help?

I looked all over for a phone and didn't find one

I walked over to Joker's desk and sat down. I opened the web browser of his computer. No internet connection. Must be he blocked it..He's always one step in front of me..

What was I supposed to do now?

I opened one of his desk drawers absent mindedly. All that was in it was a small pistol.

I opened the next. A few things of bullets and new paper clippings.

I opened the last one. I opened it and what I found shocked me. In the top of the drawer on top of a bunch of random crap was MY baby picture! I was wrapped in pink cradled in my Mom's arms. I had seen another copy of it. It was taken the day I was born.

Was Joker really my father? No....

I never knew anything about my father. Mom never wanted to talk about him ever. I asked her once and she told me things just didn't work out, he didn't care about either of us and we didn't need him. I never really cared. I had my Mom and I didn't need a father. Especially if he was the god damn Joker.

Mom..She must realize I was gone by now. She must be so scared. Does she know Joker has me?

I sat there thinking over things.

To Be Continued...

Life & Times Of Joker's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now