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I walked upstairs to find Razor sitting on the couch. He looked sad. He glanced up to me and he looked sadder.

He stood.

I wanted to cry. I ran into his arms.

"I don't want to leave you." I said

"It will only be for a little while. We'll see each other again I promise. "

"Come visit me?" I asked

"Yeah I'm sure you're mother will love that." He said sarcastically

My mom....I was gonna have to face her in a few minutes. A small part of me was excited to see her. But another part was nervous, and another part just wanted to stay with Razor. My life is gonna switch back over to normal....

"We can meet in secret". I said

He pulled away and took my hands in his, toying with my fingers.

"Are you nervous?" He asked

"Yeah, I've been away from home for so long..I'm a different person now. I don't know if I can go back to my normal life. "

"You'll be fine. I am glad you'll be safe" He said leaning down kissing me

Our kiss lingered for a long time. I was gonna miss kissing him.

Then the door opened and my few minutes in heaven blew up. Johnny walked in.

"J wants to leave" He stated.


After saying goodbye to Vanessa I threw my stuff in Joker's car and we left. When he kidnapped me all those months ago I never would have thought I would be sad leaving. My life hear wasn't perfect. But I was happy...

"Where are we suppose to meet her?" I asked

"The warehouses near the docks." He said.

"Are you gonna miss me?"

"......Sure." He said dryly.

The rest of the drive was quiet. It was dark. I just sat there thinking about what was gonna happen next. I was suppose to go back home and live with my Mom and go to school and be a normal teenager again.."

My anxiety increased 10x when we pulled up to the docks. I saw my Mom standing on the dock looking out over the water.


I glanced over and he was holding a box. "A going away present" I took it from him and carefully opened it. In the box was a butterfly knife. Razor had one and had shown my how to flip them. I actually got pretty good. Joker had one and he would let me play with it from time to time and teach me new tricks.

The blade was silver. There was decorative lines carved up the sides of the bite handle. I flipped it open and looked at the blade. It was so shiny.

"Wow! Thanks" I said flipping it around. I attempted to do a zen roll over. I had only been able to do it a few times.

"So when are you gonna get me?"

"Not sure" Joker answered.

"Are you ever going to get me?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes. "Yes. I said I would. I'm a man of my word" he said annoyed.

"Promise?" I said holding my pinky out.

He rolled his eyes and breathed out in a show of annoyance and then, the clown prince of crime, the jester of genocide, pinky promised.

I grabbed my stuff and we got out of his car. We walked to the dock where my Mom stood. She stared in what looked like pure fear.

We were only a few inches from her. I waited for somebody to say something.

Joker bent down and kissed me on my forehead. I'm sure he never took his eyes of my Mom while he did it. It was a form of warning I think. He then grabbed my shoulders and gave me a shove forward.

"Here". He said. Then he simply turned around and walked back to his car.

I watched him get in his car, the car come to life, and him speed away. Leaving me.

I finally turned around and before I could say a word my mother my mother was clinging to me. Her familiar grasp. A lot of feeling rushed back to me. I wrapped my arms around her. I was actually happy to see her again.

After our teary reunion we got in her car and headed for home. The whole thing was oddly familiar.

"Are you alright?" My mother asked

"Yeah. Fine. A little hungry..." Understatement of the year

We finally pulled up to my street and made the five minute walk to our apartment. It was so strange being home. Memories hit me hard. I began to feel more comfortable.

"Mom, I have to tell you something."

"Go ahead sweetie. "She was nervous

"You have to believe me." I began

"Of course.." She said.

"When I was at Arkham. Doctor Strange..he told you I was crazy right? "

"....More or less..." She said cautiously

"He lied." I began. Suddenly my emotions came front and center and I began to cry

"He lied. He only said that so he could keep me there. He wanted to try to find things out about Joker from me, he...he did things to me. Tortured me." I blurted out through tears.

"Oh my God..." Mom said to herself.

"He hooked me up to shock machines and tortured me because I wouldn't tell him things because I didn't' know the answer to."

She wrapped my arms around me. "It's alright baby. You're safe now. I believe you. I never believed him anyway." She said trying to calm me down.

I clung on to her and cried.

"I can't imagine what you've gone through baby girl. I'm so sorry. He'll never hurt you again."

Things calmed down and we sat in the living room. We had chicken and french fries.

It was silent. I watched mom look me over. She looked at me like I was some injured dog. Her eyes lingered at my hair.

Suddenly she burst out crying.

"Whats wrong?" I asked confused

"He hurt you. He hurt you. It's all my fault." She blurted out.

"He didn't hurt me that bad." I lied trying to comfort her.

"He beat you" She said through sobs.

"Not that much.."... Only when I didn't do something exactly right, show signs of weakness or sympathy or he was just having a bad day and wanted to take his anger out...

"I love you" She said

"I love you too Mom"


Life & Times Of Joker's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now