First ones Always The Hardest

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I'm surprised Joker picked up all of my bags from the mall parking lot. Today he brought them down to my room and gave them to me, he said that he didn't want to waste money. But I'm happy. I was in the middle of hanging them all when I heard him run down the stairs.

"Road Trip!" He yelled as he walked in. 

"Where?" I asked

"You'll see. It's bring your daughter to work day. I have to do and you're coming with me. " He said with a dark smile.

After I got ready I walked up stairs to meet him. Joker was up talking about whatever we were doing. Johnny and Vanessa and a few other really scary looking guys were all in the living room listening. 

We walked out of the house to the cars parked outside. I got in the front seat of Joker's car, Johnny and Vanessa got into his, and the other goons got in to another car. 

Joker lead us to the city, through the streets and to the docks. We parked in front of what I always thought to be abandoned warehouses..

"What are we doing here?" I asked

"A man screwed me out of a lot of money about a month ago. I'm going to try to....reason with him" 

"So threaten him until he pays up?" I said knowingly

"Yup" He said fallowed by a taro laugh

"So we're-" I began

"No no no. YOU'RE not doing anything but sitting here" He said

"What?! You said I was going with you.. and not just sitting in the car!" I whined.

"What you're going to do is sit here until we come out." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small hand gun. "Here, just in case. Nothing is gonna happen but if something did I want you protected." 

He said it like he actually cared about me...

The other two cars pulled up and Joker jumped out. 

"Good luck, Dad" I yelled as he closed the door. He turned and smiled as he walked away so I knew he heard me. 

I watched them ready their guns and storm the building. Joker looked like a kid going into a candy store. 

And I sat there and waited. I waited for the whole building to blow or something exciting to happen. I got bored. I switched on the car and turned the radio on. The reception was really bad. I couldn't get hardly any stations. I finally landed on a classic rock station. Which was fine with me. I love classic rock. So I sat there in the car with my eyes closed listening to a Fleetwood Mac song, waiting..

About a half an hour I heard a loud bang. I looked around. I saw Joker run out of the building with a gun in hand. His green hair flying everywhere as he ran. I made sure the doors were unlocked and the car was on. When he was a few feet away, suddenly a huge man out of nowhere side tackled him to the ground. I watched him as he grabbed Joker by the collar and flung him like a rag doll across the black top. He walked over to where he landed and grabbed him and pinned him up to the wall. 

Joker had a evil smile painted on his face. A defense mechanism maybe?

I didn't think I just acted. I grabbed the gun and bolted from the car. 

I ran to where they were. My heart wa spounding out of my chest. Joker saw me out of the corner of his eye and his eyes got big. 

It was now or never. I aimed the gun just like I had at the target that day and fired. The bullet hit the guy right in the side of the head blasting his brains all over and throwing him about a foot away.

I did it.

I killed somebody...I KILLED SOMEBODY

I didn't have time to think about things. Joker ran towards me and picked me up and held me in his arms. 

"That's my girl!" He exclaimed. He fell into a fit of laughter. 

I never saw Joker this pleased. And to top it off, it was about something I did! I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me happy. 

"Come on!" He said grabbing my arm and pulling me to the car. We got in the front seats. 

Just then Vanessa and Johnny and everybody else came running out. 

Joker slammed on the gas and we took off. As we sped away, there was a huge flash of light fallowed by a huge bang. The whole place went up in flames. 

"Keep the change, ya filthy animal" I said in a fake gangster voice.

Joker laughed.

"So I'm guessing you guys couldn't talk things out?" I asked sarcastically. 

Joker grinned. "I am just so damn proud of you! You get that from my side of the family!" 

He was proud of me. I was a murderer but he was proud of me. 


I'm a murderer......


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