Disappeared !

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Rosie Thompson

Last, night was crazy as hell. I never knew that me Rosie Thompson, would party that hard in my life for a college life - time. Seeing all these teams, and clubs being there as Senior, Sophomores, or Juniors are there having the time of there life like they done this before. It was early in the morning, on the Saturday and I was completely tired. I didn't drink too much with my friends, cause I don't look cute while looking drunk. I rubbed my eyes as I stretch , then someone fell. I look over and see that my purse had fallen over, and some of my things came out.

I groan as I left it there, and set my head back on my pillow. I had a little hang - out and it was alright nothing serious as you expect. I groan as I remove the covers and plot my feet on the cold wooden floor, as I walk to the bathroom, but somehow trip and landed on the floor. I look up and see Asia face flat on the floor, pass - out. I chuckled a little as I got up and removed my shirt and throw it on my bed. I grabbed my toothbrush and started to brush my teeth with some tooth paste on top, and a dash of baking soda.

"What happen?" I heard someone said. I look over to Asia who was now lifting her head up, and rolling around the floor. I lifted her whole body up, getting up slowly to her two bare feet.

"All I know is that, I somehow got in bed and you didn't." She blow out a huge sign as she brushed her shirt and walk inside the bathroom, hovering over the toilet and letting out chucks of vomit, she didn't gag or nothing it was just simple vomiting.

"Ew, taste like cherry vodka and nachos mix together." She spit on the toilet as she flush it down, and did it again for the aftermath of little pieces of red chucks swimming around. She grab her toothbrush and applied some toothpaste and started brushing. Last night, was crazy as fuck for her of course, the reason how she got drunk and throwing up.

I heard my phone playing some A$AP Rocky and A$AP Ferg - Shaaba , and I walk over to it and see that I had a text message from Brittany, the host of the party yesterday, and also my new friend.

Brittney♡ : Last, night was crazy! Check out the pictures in Facebook, boo. :)
- Okay, babe. ♡

Yup, Brittany is my babe now. She's like the nicest person, and to be a shocker that she's a freshman too, and she hosted the party. I reach under my pillow, as I pull out my lap - top and checked Facebook, everyone was talking about the party last night and how crazy it was. I check the photos that Brittany posted a while ago, it was mostly people off guard, I found a picture of me and one of the Fratz Brother; Daniel dancing together as we was both holding red cups, it was nothing serious and I actually told Brian that I will be dancing with people so don't worry about me cheating or nothing.

I have to damn admit, that Daniel is cute and all, with his dark freackles on his face, and brown eyes. Can't believe he dance, and do step and also on the school football team. He actually a Sopomore here, and only 19 years old. I shook my head as I go to the next picture of other people and I see Asia and Taj kissing and dancing on each - other.

"Damn, we look cute. The photos look so real and good." Asia said as she came over to my left side and look at the pictures I was going through in Brittany profile. I shook my head, as I pass it over to Asia and she continued. I was still tired and wanted it to come off, so I walk inside the shower and took a cold one.


"Gosh, I hate grocery shopping." I whine as me and Asia was looking for some things to put in the apartment.

"Stop whining, and start looking with your lazy ass. Here," She pass me a list of things. "Go look for theses at least." I snatch it away from her, and smack my lips as I walk away from her and go look for some things that we need. I grab a basket, and picked some eggs, milk, some bake - able cookies, ice cream (for one of those days) , bacon, noodles, bread, cheese, and some girls stuff as in pads, tampons, advil, pregnancy test (you never know when one of your friends, be asking for one) and more stuff. I finally finish and started walking looking for Asia.

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