Shut.The.Fuck.Up !

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Sam Valentine

"Excuse me?" My attention go to some thick girl with long black weave on her hair, that reach to her butt. She was wearing some tight leather black pants, and a grey crop - top that a little bit looks like mines from the distance, she had on some black pumps, with the red on the bottom, of course and her lips were shaded with the color of deep red.

"Yeah." I asked as I stop what I was doing, which was shopping at the mall with two of my favorite girls in the world. Adriana, and Caroline.

"Are you the wife of, T - Shawn?" She refers Shawn's stage name. I nodded my head, as I pull up my pants which was some how falling down to my thighs which was showing my butt crack a little bit. I really need a damn belt, right now.

"Why you asking?"

"Shawn told me that he have a wife and kids, but I only saw the kids and not the wife. You're very pretty." She gave me a smile, and I smile back.

"Thanks, you're pretty yourself,"

"Draya." She simple said, I chuckled a little bit as I felt my phone vibrate and it was from Adriana saying that she's about to get this cute ass sundress she founded and wants me to hurry and come along. I sign as I lock my phone, and look up at Draya who was touching the tip of her hair and playing with it a little bit, like she was twirling it.

"It was nice to met you, Draya. See you around?" I asked knowing that I am going to see her around lately. She smile which showed a tongue ring.

"Yeah. Tell Shawn I said Hey." I nodded my head as I walk out the store to the other store Adrianna and Caroline was at. Adriana was pushing a brown long sun - dress to her body as she face the mirror doing some poses.


"Mommy, home!" My two wonderful babies yell across the house as I heard there foot - steps coming down and also along with some huge ones. Sometimes, Shawn be acting like the kids cause he loves me a lot.  Luckily, my two babies made it first with some big hugs and kisses, and you should know what Shawn did. Grab my face and burst his tongue inside mines, trying to grab my butt and all.

"Ewww!" Devon and Anerria said in unison as they both pretend to be throwing up. I laughed as I shook my head and drop my purse on the kitchen counter. I slide my shoes off, and walked to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water, cause the heat - ness was real. When I wipe my mouth, I walked over to Shawn who was sitting on the couch with the kids as Anerria was playing on his phone, and Devon just watching. I slide my phone out my pocket and gave it to him, cause I know anytime soon they will be fighting over it.

"I like them jeans, tho." Shawn said as I sat on his lap. He wrap his arms around my waist as he gave it a squeeze.

"I met your friend, today." He gave me a confused look.

"Chris?" I shook my head. "Wiz?" I did it again. "Tyga, Songz, Drake, Wayne?"

"No, no, no, and no. I met this girl name Draya at the mall. She was asking about me being your wife and all with the kids, and that you have a whole family of your own." He licked his lips before he speak.

"Draya is the studio girl, that always come over to the studio when I'm there with the guys and shit." So, she been in the studio plenty of times, but I knowing this shit now.

"Oh." I simply said. I was not hot, or worried about nothing about her. It doesn't really seems like a problem about it. But, I just hope it doesn't get to far on it.

Tyrek Johnson

It was a free day for me and I wanted to go see my family. I didn't bring Cat cause she was still sleeping. Aubrey was wide awake biting her small foot, so I decided to take her with me. I was driving to my mom house as I saw about three or four cars. I parked as I got out and went around her get Aubrey, who was trying to get out cause I did. I unbuckled her as I pick her up and put her on my arms, as I grab her baby cup, along with her small Jordan bag.

I walked to the front of the house, as I twist the door knob and walked in to some voices and maybe a little yelling from time to time but, it was using a lot of language. I walked to the kitchen as I put Aubrey down on the floor, as she followed me. It was like two grown people arguing back and forth, Tynesha was at Track and Field practice and she was on her way now.

"Momma!" I yelled. The conversation in the kitchen stop, and I heard shuffling. I walked slowly inside and peep inside the kitchen to see my momma seating on the counter, as a man sitting on the kitchen table as he was drinking some coffee.

"Hey, baby. What you doing here?" Momma said as she look at me. My eyes were on the man, who was staring at me first and it was uncomfortable. I went to kiss my mom on the cheek as Aubrey came running in screaming like a maniac. "My grandbaby so big, and chubby!" My mom squealed as she picked her up and kiss all over her face, which made her giggle.

"Wassup, man?" I said. I didn't wanted to be rude so I did a little greeting with him.

"Wassup." We dapped each - other and look at my mom.

"Hey, momma." Tynesha said as she dropped her school bag on the floor, near the stairs and walk inside the kitchen to kiss momma. She turned around and greeted the man, as nigga was staring her down like a hooker. What the fuck.

"Okay. You'll all here. I have something to tell you guys." As she was going to continued, I think I should already know about, since this type of scene happens with every stories of a Thug.

"Mom, you don't have to say it." I said as I pause her, she looks at me. "I could already tell that this guy, is my dad or my shit. I don't want to hear nothing about the story of him leaving and all, none of that is going to my brain, cause I can predict that he left cause you got pregnant or he couldn't get it in no more. Then, somehow between the years, y'all got in again then have Nesha then Tyler."

"Like, every main story." Tynesha mumble as she fill her water bottle with some cold water, and place it inside the freezer.

Cassie Aubrey Thompson

I woke up with nobody next to me. I got out of bed and searched for Ty and Brey, but they wasn't here, so I guess I was by myself for today. I went to brush my teeth and took a shower, as I put on his wife beater, along with one of my basketball shorts. I walked downstairs to see some left over iHop that Ty was eating before he left. I heat it up and started eating as the door bell ring, and I went to open it to reveal the pregnant Ni-Ni.

"Wassup, hoe." She said as she walk in, taking off her shoes. She wabble to the living room where she sat on the couch.

"Hey, fat ass. How's the baby doing inside you?" She smack her lips.

"Having me use the bathroom every two hours, like shit keep it on hold." He held up one of her hands to a 'pause' form. I chuckled.


"Bitch, can you stay at distance." I said to some thick bitch, that wants to curse me out cause I'm telling Ni-Ni about what Tyrek did to me yesterday. She doesn't know that I'm the girlfriend, and wife of Tyrek Johnson and we have a freaking child together. The girl smacked her lips as she continued walking to whatever the fuck she was.

"Hoes, always searching for some dick at times." Ni-Ni comment.

"Forreal! Like, damn bitch learn your facts." Me and Ni-Ni was at Wal-Mart getting some grocery for my house, since I couldn't find anything, but some juice and a full jar of peanut butter.

"But, still if these girls can't learn shit, then how they know different insane tricks on the poles for niggas to be throwing bills on them."

"At least they getting money like, shit. I have more bread then a lot of strippers, and that's a true fact cause comparing and hearing girls from time to time bragging about the money they make in KOD its kinda insane." I shook my head as I continued doing what I was doing and minding all these hoes that have come to my face lately.


sorry, I haven't been updating. I just been lazy and school be wearing me out at times, that I usually fall asleep.

IG: @bluerepresent_
Twitter: @Gennii_Oblaa


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