Problem ?!

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Sam Valentine

Hiding a pregnancy was something I can't do. I start to get dizzy at random times, my heart falls straight to the floor like I'm dieing and them hormones give it all away. Looking outside the window I could see dark clouds hovering in and some weak thunders now and then. It was nearly close to three in the afternoon and Shawn was with the kids at Wal-Mart getting some groceries. Cat still didn't call me back as if she talked to Johnny or not, but I hope she do. I can't bare the fact of Shawn leaving me either taking the kids or not and leaving me with a guilt of raising a baby that I'm not sure that it his.

I don't even recall having sex with him, my memory is already jog up from the over thinking about this and luckily I having throw up yet. Damn! I didn't know what I was thinking if me and Cassie wasn't in a good relationship she would've killed me even if I was pregnant or not. What the hell I'm going to do?

"We're home!" I heard Devon yell from downstairs. I sign as I fixed my hair and walk downstairs to see what they brought. The thundering became a little louder then before and the wind was blowing rapidly making some leaves fall and branches. "We brought some good stuff, mommy." He said as he place the bag down. I gave a smile as I rub his head. Anerria came in with some light-weighted bags since she hate lifting things heavy. She came straight to me and I went down to her level and grab a bag.

"I brought the stuff you asked me." She whispered as she hand it to me.

"Did daddy see it?" She shook her head as I sign.

"Good, go take it up to my room and hide under my side of the pillow make sure you remove the bag too." She nodded her head as she ran upstairs as fast as she could to my room. I know I said that I haven't really be showing the side effects for the pregnancy by every now and then I feel like back firing some food out. I needed something to cool me down as I ask Anerria to get Emetrol or at least something to stop these painful pains.

"Goddamn!" Shawn said as he came in with the last bags. He closed the door and look it and he look at me. "You didn't see that lightening? Almost strike me in the ass." He mumble. He came closer and wrap his arm around me. Being a little nervous I coughed and pat his stomach.

"Did you brought me my stuff?" I asked as I went to the kitchen where Devon was eating some Pop tart.

"Of course, I did. You know I don't ever forget."

"You forgot two weeks ago when I needed it."

"Okay, the was one time."

"And also the time when I was pregnant with the twins and you-"

"Okay." He said as he surrender. "I forget sometimes. Shit, you act like you funna sue for it." I chuckled as I began putting away the things.

Miley Duncan

"Shit." I mumbled as I sniff a thin line of white cocaine. It was my second time trying it ever since spring break when I went to Florida and turn the fuck up. My noses started to burn but I just let it slide as I lay back on the couch and watch some televison. I was stress over Tyrek and his little girlfriend, every since he never came back to the strip club I elt like I was impressing myself with me twerking on my friends.

I have to attend even me twerking is kinda o sloppy I still manage to do so, don't worrying about what people say about me. I clearly didn't give a damn about it either. I check the time and see that it was close to two in the afternoon and it was thundering like a crying cow. It been raining all week and ruining my plans a lot that I had to move whatever day that it's just sunny with no thunder or lighten.

I got up from my couch and went to go change into some black tights, and my favorite white new york city print top I got a few days ago. I slide on some white converse and grab my things heading out the door where I close the door. I didn't know where I was going, but I just had to make a visit to someone that I clearly knew. She isn't the type o person to ruin someone relationship, but she my friend and I love her.

I went inside my car and turned on the engine backing out o my drive way to the streets where it was a little busy due to the lightening striking the lights making it go crazy so police officers are directioning us to see who go first. I waited or a bit till it was my turned and drove right push him as he signal my lane to go. I made it down the street to where she is since I'm a fast driver and park my car. Her house was huge. Can't believe she could afford this, but she does live with three other people inside. 

"I knew I felt your present!" She yelled as she came out the house. I shook my head as I close my door and went up to her hugging her well curve body.

Tyrek Johnson

I don't understand why it's raining so much. Like shit, it's ruining my damn plan that I was doing. Cat was up in our room in her laptop while I'm downstair with a slight sick Aubrey watching some television. She wasn't complaining that I was watching some NBA but she seems to enjoy since everytime they made a shot they cheer and she cheer to by clapping her hands.

I was planning on going to dinner with Cat today, but since I saw the weather news it was going to rain all day and tomorrow and the next day after that. So, the only chance that is perfect is in the morning before it hit 11:30 when the dark clouds start setting in. I sign again as I look down at Aubrey with her warm body lay against my chest and her heavy breathing.

I didn't know how she got sick but since I wasn't there to experience how, I kinda regret it. I heard some faint footsteps come down as I turn my head to see Cat coming down in them shorts of her. I swear every since I stop going out she been teasing me with her sexy slim body in them nice Victoria Secrets. Plus, her hair was bomb asf, I just couldn't stop staring. Over the years her hair grew some more and it been looking sexy. Also, her skin was job flawless, lord thank you she woke up like that every day.

Rosie Thompson

I lay in my bed motionless as I stare at my phone listening to some music. I don't know, why I'm feeling like this but every since I left Brian college I been feeling some type of way. That Drew girl was pretty I have to admit and she's nice makes me think twice about my attitude. I been like that ever since me and Terrance was off the bridge.

Now, that I'm thinking about it, Terrance was off my life. Let me not worry about that. But, anyway I knew that something would happen like this. But, him NEVER calling, texting, or anything else kinda hurts. Shit.

"She been like this all day, Daniel." I heard Asia voice I took a glance to the door to see Asia leaning against the door with Daniel. Why the hell did she bring him?

Authors Note: This rain mess up my wifi so I didn't had access to my laptop. This was what I wrote today before my wifi fucked up and I wrote half of Tyrek part and a half of Rosie point of view in my phone cause I wanted to update today. :)
P.S. Beware! I didn't...actually, I couldn't see the error cause it wouldn't show me.
I want some comments below though. -_-
And you can kik me too, please be aware that I like people who can keep an interesting conversation going.

Instagram: @http.blvee
Kik: _CookieMonstaa_
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