Chapter 1: Nicole is Born

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Hey guys wazz up, long time no read. So as i told you i was rewriting this story and it is now time to read it. Like i said i am going to upload the full story before Civil War (probably not going to happen but within a week or so of usa release I will upload the whole story. I would rather not over crowd you guys with chapters). As always this character Nicole i created so  please don't use her without asking me. I am also not the greatest writer so please don't be mean to me about it. I also wrote in some of the MCU characters in here and they may not be the exactly the same as the actual characters for the movies or comics, so if you don't like when stories aren't perfect to the original characters then don't read or don't get mad at me. Anyway i hope you are ready for this story.

Spoiler alert: This story takes place in the MCU including Netflix and Tv series so if you haven't watch anything don't read if you don't want to be spoiled.

Tony's POV

I can't believe I am having a kid. That is the same sentence I have been repeating to myself for the past hour. I am going to have a kid with Pepper Pots. I would be in the room with her but I really don't want to scar myself for life.

This hour has probably been the most stressful hour of my life. Not that I don't want a kid, it is just unexpected. I am not ready at all for this but I'll get the hang of this... eventually. I hate how long this hour is.

"Mr. Stark." I whipped my head in the direction of the voice. "You can come see your daughter now." The nurse said with the biggest smile on her face. I nodded my head and she walked back into the room. I wonder how long she was calling my name.

"Well are you going to go in?" I think I just had a heart attack. I turn to look at the voice. "Did you forget I was here?" It was my best friend Rhodey.

"I guess I did. Why didn't you snap me out of it?"

"Well you look pretty stressed so I thought you need some thinking time."

"I did. So are you going to come in with me?"

"No. You need to be the first and only one in. I'll come in in a little bit." I nodded and stood up. I wiped my sweaty hands on my pants and walked to the door. I slowly reached my hand to the door knob trying to give me enough time to think before I go in. Opening this door was going to change my life after all. I opened it slowly to see Pepper holding something in her hands. I knew exactly what it was.

"Tony come and hold our daughter." Pepper handed me my new child.

"We should name her Friday." I said look at my beautiful child.

"No and I already named her. She is Nicole Stark."

"Can we at least have her middle name be Friday." I said and gave her my puppy dog face.

"Ugh fine, Nicole Friday Stark." I looked at Nicole with, what felt like, the biggest smile anyone could muster. Right here right now I know this is the best day of my life. Nothing could beat this moment.

"There is something I must tell the both of you." The look on the doctors face I knew this was not good news at all.

"Yes, what is it?" I could hear in Pepper's voice that she was going to cry from seeing the look on the doctor face. She knew this was going to be bad.

"Your daughter's heart was not formed properly. She will not die from this but you will have to be very careful with her. Her heart may fail from a number of things like stress, over exercising, etc. As long as you keep close watch of her it seems like she will live a normal life. Well as normal as a life she can live being the daughter of you, Mr. Stark."

"Thank you, doctor." I said and nodded towards the door to tell him to leave. He simply smiled and nodded understanding that we needed to be alone for now. I turn to see Pepper to see her crying. "Hey, Pepper, it's going to be fine."

"Tony you know what could happen."

"Hey, hey, hey don't think like that. The doctor said she will be fine. There is no need to worry."

"I guess you're right." She wiped her tears up and grabbed Nicole again. There was a knock at the door. Rhodey popped his head in.

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah sure, Rhodey" He came next to me and Pepper handed him Nicole.

"Congratulations you two."

"Thanks." I said patting him on the shoulder.


I know this is very short first chapter but don't worry. Right now as i still am writing this story i have 20,000 words so there is a lot more.

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