Chapter 7: WHIH Newsfront

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"Owww why does everything hurt." I tried to lift my body up but I was so sore.

"Take it easy, Nicole." That sounds like my dad. I open my eyes to blinding light. It looks like I am in a hospital but not at the same time. I think I am in med bay in Avengers Tower. There are a bunch of people around me, I know them all. My dad is to my right with my mother behind him, Carol to his right Daisy to my left, Pietro to her left, and Steve, Clint, Nat, and basically everyone else around the foot of my bed.

"Hey Daisy, long time no see. Surprised you could take some time off."

"Yeah, I had to, to make sure you were ok."

"I'm fine, been through a lot worse. To be honest I don't even know what happen or where am I?"

"I ran you to New York." Pietro said unfazed by the words he just said.

"You ran me here..."

"Like I told you, with super speed it's not that hard. Only a little bit difference with carrying you."

"Well... now for my other question what happened."

"A man hit you in the back of the head and you blacked out. You have a mild concussion." As soon as Pietro said that I could see everyone cringe a little.

"And why did the man hit me." Everyone froze the instant the words escaped my lips. Everyone looked around to each other until everyone was on my dad who had his eyes closed in taught.

"Tony you have to show her," Carol said.

"We can't show her that," Pietro said.

"She is going to find out sooner or later," Daisy said.

"Yeah but we should keep it away from her as long as possible," Clint said.

"I agree," Nat said.

"Cap do you have anything to say," my dad said.

"It's up to you, Tony."

"Um you know you could ask the girl if she wants to see whatever it is that is so important that has to deal with her."

"Do you want to see the video?" My dad said almost reluctantly but I had to.


"Friday, play a news report from a few days ago." My dad said and everyone turned their heads to the TV that just turned on. On the screen was a news report from WHIH Newsfront reporting on what Carol was doing before I got there. I recognized the reporter on screen as Christine Everhart. The last time I saw her was when she interviewed Scott Lang before he was supposed to be freed from San Quentin State Prison after breaking into VistaCorp when he found out that the company was deceiving customers, he planned and succeed to seek justice by stealing the company's money and returning their funds to the people. However, he crashed a car into the pool and got caught by the police. Understandable what he did but should have been sneaker.

"This so called superhero, Captain Marvel," Christine said with the angriest, without sounding angry, voice she could probably muster, "destroying the city." Then a bunch of clips of what Carol did showed. "This is a person we allow to take care of our families. At least she actually didn't kill anyone, unlike Nicole Stark. Yes, you heard that right, the daughter or Tony Stark." My heart sank, I couldn't have killed anyone. Why would the media just lie like that? They then showed me arriving to the scene and getting out of my suit. "Looks like she took a lot more than just her smarts from her father." On the TV, I stuck out my hand and Carol grabbed it. Then she shot me and my suit closed around me. That's is of course all I could remember but more was being shown. Carol had flown off and now I was standing up completely still. Then all of a sudden I started turning my head from side to side. Most likely scanning for something. I then started shooting people. Blood curdling screams could be heard then go completely silent, then another curdling scream and the cycle continue. I knew people were being hurt and even dyeing from me. Then the video was cut off and Christine came back on the screen.

"Sorry we had to cut the video. We are not allowed to show that gruesome of scenes on TV. From the small part that you did see, you know what Nicole did. Some think that's it great to have another Iron Man or I guess Iron Girl but how could anyone want her as a superhero. These are not people we should allow to take care of the world. Someone should call for the arrest of this Iron Assassin before she kills again." The screen then went black.

I was trying to hold back the tears but slowly they came to the surface.

"Nicole, it wasn't your fault. The reason I attacked you was because something took over my body then I passed it to you. That is why you did those things but it wasn't you." Carol said trying to help the situation. It wasn't helping, I could feel everything just pushing on me. The crying was coming faster now.

"You can't tell me that I had my body taken over. I still killed people. The blood is still on my hands."

"Nicole, please calm down." Daisy said almost sounding like she was scared and that's when I noticed that the lights started to flicker. I felt a burning sensation in my hand. I looked down towards my right hand and saw sparks coming from it. I started to freak out which seemed to make it worse as lights were beginning to blow out.

"What's happening to me." I couldn't calm down everything seemed to make this worse and worse.

"I don't know. Why don't you just breathe for a second maybe that would help." Carol said also sounding worried. I knew that wouldn't help and thought about what to do.

"Dad, get my suit and try to configure it to stop this." He immediately ran out of the room. "Um Daisy hope you don't get in trouble for this." Before she could react I grabbed her gun with my not exploding hand and shot myself in the head. Everything blacked out as you would have thought. Don't worry I was 70 percent for sure that that was a night-night gun. Still can't believe I shot myself, but only idea I could come up with so quickly.

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