Chapter 13: Fear Raven

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"Um excuse me, who were you telling information to. Please don't play dumb with me." I heard her curse under her breath.

"Well I guess you caught me but sadly there is no way to make me spill. So can you just leave my room before I hurt you." I laughed and Pietro and Gwen came to the door. I knew how to make her talk. I looked at my hand as it began to turn red. Pietro looked at my hand then my eyes, which were most likely red, and put his hand on my arm trying to stop me.

"Nicole, don't do what I think you are going to." I could hear the plead in his voice.

"Sorry but I am already gone and decided on this decision." I walked up to Raven who didn't even flinch. She was probably to shocked about my hand. She may know I have powers but she doesn't know what powers I have.

I have never tried to read minds with Wanda's powers nor do I know how to use them but I tried anyway. As I touched Raven the room we were in was changed. I looked around to see it was now a huge room. It looked like a room in a mansion or something. Then I noticed that other people were here. I was in the middle of the room while the other people were by the fire place far enough away from me that they wouldn't notice I was there. Raven had her back to me and was standing in front of 6 guys and 2 girls. It was kinda funny that they all seemed to be standing in line by their age. To the left was an older gentleman who looked like a butler, next to him was of a mid-aged man who I could tell always kept that bruiting face on, next to him was an adult woman with short really red hair, next to her was a really attractive man with short dark hair, next to him was a man with dark hair but one strand of white in his hair he also looked like he been through some stuff, next to him was a younger girl with red hair, and last but not least was a young boy that looked really close facial wise with the mid-age mad. They all had disgusted faces while looking at Raven. Then I noticed the feeling that Raven was having. As like most of these types of visions I assume would be fear but there was a lot more emotion here. I could feel the fear, sadness, and nervousness push through her the most. I gathered up that she had just told these people something they did not like.

"Alfred...Bruce," she seemed to be calling to each person in order to see if they still believed in her. "Katherine... Dick... Jason... Barbra... Damien." As she said the last person's name with no reaction from anyone, it crushed Raven. She fell to the ground in tears.

"I can't believe you are a bisexual," the young kid Damien said angrily.

"That's who I am... how can you guys not except that... you guys except Katherine without even questioning her." She was crying her eyes out to the point I actually thought she was going to get dehydrated.

"How could we except you," The man named Jason said.

"I didn't mean for you to find this out. I have been afraid to tell you guys for so long and didn't mean for you guys to find out."

"Well it looks like that plan didn't work to well," the man named Dick said.

"What are you talking about? Please just except me and we can be back to normal by tomorrow." The whole group decided to laugh at what Raven had just said.

"Do you think you will be here in the morning. You aren't living here anymore nor are you apart of this family. So can you pack up your stuff and leave as soon as possible." Her crying intensified and the group walked away from her not looking back. I walked over to her and tried to comfort her but either she didn't want help or didn't know I was there.

I didn't mean to make this happen. I was just trying to see who she was talking to. I do have an answer but I didn't want the answer this way. I didn't think I would show her, her worst nightmare. If I knew I was going to show hers I wouldn't have. I have been through it and it is the closest thing to hell then hell itself. I tried to stop the vision but had no clue how to. Within a few seconds the world faded back to my apartment building. I looked to Raven who had tears welling up in her eyes. I could tell that she knew I saw what she saw.

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