Chapter 17: The Date?

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"Come on, Nicole, please wear a dress for me please."

"Not in a million years."

"Come one, if you wear a dress Pietro wouldn't be able to keep his hands off of you."

"And who said that I wanted Pietro to not be able to keep his hands off me." Wanda gave me the 'really' look.

"Surrrreeee that's totally not what you want I could see it in your face."

"You must have learned that sarcasm from you brother."

"Actually he learned it from me."

"I am actually not surprised to hear that. So do you know where me and Pietro are going."

"I can't tell you. It will ruin the surprise."

"So what's next on the agenda to get me ready."

"You have to get dressed in the clothes I found for you and then I can do your hair and makeup."

"Ugh... makeup to."

"If you aren't doing the dress than at least do the makeup."


"So where are we going," I said as I stepped outside. I looked towards Pietro who has probably been waiting outside for like an hour waiting for Wanda to finish up with me. His mouth was opened in shock. Dam, either I looked good or I looked horrible. I am seriously hoping for the good.

"Pietro you ok." No answer, he didn't even move.

"Man, this sounds like we are in a book or something. This is the moment the guy drops dead because of how beautiful the girl is. I hope if we are a book that we are like Beauty and the Beast, of course, you would be the Beast, Pietro." I laughed at what I said. Pietro was now just looking me up and down. I snapped my fingers in front of his. He shocked his head to get out of the shock.

"Maybe this IS a Beauty and the Beast story." I said laughing even more.

"You are definitely the Beauty."

"So does this mean I am not beautiful any other time because you gave that reaction."

"No that's not what I meant when I did that. You are beautiful all the time it was just that-"

I interrupted him, "Don't worry I am just messing with you. All movies and stories have that but make it seem like the girl is not pretty any other time. I know I am hot all the time." I said that sarcastically as I flipped my hair. "So where are we going?"

"Well I don't know how to drive so I might as well run you there."

"Wait, you run." Before I could say anything else Pietro had picked me up in his arms.

"I am not allowing you to run." Pietro said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I can run myself. Plus, you are going to mess up my hair."

"You will be fine." With that we were off.

"This place is beautiful." Pietro had run us to a nice little gazebo on the lake. Flowers were everywhere and butterflies fluttered about.

"I knew some part of you would love this." He grabbed my hand and pulled me inside the gazebo. Inside was a table and chairs. That was it.

"I know what you are thinking, where is the food?" With that he disappeared. I sat down and looked outside the gazebo window. I felt my hair fly into my face a few seconds later. When I removed my hair from my mouth (I must have looked so attractive) I saw that the table was set. Plates, wines glassed, sparkling grape juice for the wine glasses, candles (even though it was day), and a football pizza from John's Pizzeria. I think I am in heaven.

"You ran all the way to Chicago to get me a football pizza from John's. You really do know me."

"We made that deal awhile back about the pizza and I guess you did beat me by pushing me into that wall."

"Wait, did I just hear that. You said I beat you." I know I had this huge smile on my face. It must have been hard for him to say that.

"Yes you did hear correctly." We both laughed as he filed the glasses and then sat down across from me.

"So I should probably ask how you found this place."

"I googled it."

"Well that's anticlimactic."

"I didn't want to follow every romance story word for word."

"True. So Wanda told me that you learned your sarcasm from her." He literally chocked on his pizza.

"Sure she would love to take that spot but I was born 12 minutes before her. I have 12 more minutes of sarcasm on her. No one has got anything on me." I raised up my eyebrows in a 'really' matter. "You got me beat on the eyebrow game though."

"You didn't see that coming." I said in a mock of his accent.

"I know you did that in a mocking tone but wow that was actually perfect Sokovian."

"Thanks it's pretty hard not to pick it up when we spend so much time together."

"And I hope we get to spend more." He had this great smile on while looking at me. It even reached his eyes.

"Well you still have time to mess up this date."

"Wow that hurt." He put his hand to his heart in a joking tone. We both laughed together. "So can I ask how you got the arc reactor. No one ever told me."

"Long story short, I died. That's about it. Can I ask about your childhood then?"

"Yeah, childhood was ok. I was weird being raised by Magneto." Wait I heard that right, he said Magneto.

"Wait, like the mutant that controls metals."


"Why didn't you ever tell me that!!!"

"You never asked."

"This explains a lot."

"What does this explain?"

"Nothing actually. So how was Wanda when you guys were younger?"

"She was such a cry baby. She was scared of everything."

"I think Wanda would love to hear that." I knew he was lying.

"Me... lie... never," He said jokingly. We both laughed. Without even noticing we fell into a nice silence. It was just eating pizza and enjoying the scenery.

"Pietro, I am glad you dragged me out of that room. It's amazing to just chill and enjoy this calming time."

"If only this could happen more often." Then all of a sudden Pietro's phone began to ring. He picked up his phone and showed me the screen. It was the phone number for Avengers Tower.

"Why are you always the one to get the calls." He shrugged and answered. The call seemed urgent. Well that's all I could pick up because Pietro just kept a poker face on. I looked at him trying to give him the 'what's going on face' but he didn't give me anything. In the time it took to eat two slices of pizza, Pietro call finally ended.

"What's up?" I asked praying it's not something bad again.

"This has been a wonderful time but we have to cut this short. Your dad just woke up." That was probably the best thing I have heard in a long time. Pietro and I, using our super speed, quickly cleaned up. With everything cleaned we ran back to the tower.

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