Chapter 11: Back Home

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"Guys I'm going back to Chicago. I left and came back because bad things happened. For now, everything is good. That's probably not going to last long so I should leave to go home before I can't anymore."

"You can't leave. You can't even take that suit off," My dad was trying so hard to keep me here.

"You know I have my powers enough under control. Plus, I will keep the suit on at all times. That's the reason we made it look like you are wearing normal clothes so you can walk in public." I was trying to convince him to that I should leave.

"Tony, let her go." Everyone turned in shock towards cap. Cap and my dad haven't talked in a little bit now. Well cap really hasn't talked to anyone recently. It has been a little awkward with the whole team being split so it's amazing that cap commented in the little argument with the rest of the team. "Plus, Pietro is going back with her." Now everyone was looking in shock towards Pietro. We all thought he was staying, well I guess cap knew he was moving back. We all assumed that incense he came back from faking his death he would stay with his sister.

"What do you mean?" Wanda sounded like she was about to cry. Of course, this was going to hit her hard. She just got her brother back and now he is moving, even if it's not that far away, it's still far enough.

"Wanda, I have been thought to be dead for a little while now and I am not ready to go fully back into the world yet. It's not like you won't ever see me again." She walked over to him and put a hand on his face. "Don't worry I do have super speed so I can be here at any time." She finally looked calm and shook her head to say ok. I looked toward my dad and he even looked like he was ok with this and I knew this by not being able to breathe.

"Dad... I... can't... breathe." He was hugging me as tight as he could muster. He let go after a good minute.

"You are going to call every day and Pietro is going to be with you all the time." I then had a little smirk on my face.

"What even when I am going to bed or taking a shower."

"Um... forget what I said." Everyone started to laugh. It wasn't a normal laugh. You could tell it was a sad and kind of a goodbye laugh. If you know what I am talking about.

"Welcome back, Nicole," Chloe said as I threw my keys on the table next to the door. All of the lights were off and blinds closed, S.H.I.E.L.D. (I keep the blinds open. Well they were open when I first arrived here but never actually bothered to close them.)

"Daisy." The lights immediately turned on.

"How did you know I was here?" Daisy got off of the couch a little angry that I found her out.

"You haven't learned how to hind from S.H.I.E.L.D. yet. So why are you here anyway."

"Well I know that you have some more powers then just the electricity and I learn that from S.H.I.E.L.D."


"Because of you knew found powers, I thought you could join my new team, The Secret Warriors."

"Isn't that an InHumans team."

"The whole team would love to see you again."

"Which remains me I heard Ward died then came back as some InHuman."

"How do you hear these things."

"I have my ways."

"Yes, that is correct. He can now show InHumans the right way." The 'right way' isn't the new Ward even more evil than before. It sounds like Daisy is okay with him now. Weird but I am not going to bring it up.

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