Chapter 5: Tahiti

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Man, I feel like I drank a swimming pool filled with alcohol. Maybe I did and just had a crazy dream. If only though, because when I touched the back of my neck I felt something wired. Pretty sure it's the purple thing from yesterday. I looked around and realize I have absolutely no clue where I am. I think I am in an apartment but I really don't know. Then I hear a click from a door opening. I turn to the noise and see a guy, covering his face with a hood, and walking over to me with pills and water. I took that gladly.

"Where am I?" No answer, all he did was walk to the sink in the room and put the glasses of water that I finished there. "Can you tell me who you are?" No answer. Just him staring at the sink. "Well I'm going to turn on the TV if you don't mine. Maybe the news could tell me what happened because I am pretty sure you're not going to." I grabbed the remote that was on the coffee table in front of me.

"Don't." The guy has an accent and I know his voice. This is someone I used to know.

"Wow you actually speak. Now why shouldn't I do that, I have to make sure my friend is ok."

"Don't turn that on."

"Fine then I will just show myself off, thank you very much." I went to the door and he grabbed my hand and pulled me back. "Um... that's rude. I need to leave and find my friend."

"She is fine."

"And how would you know that?"

"I saw her get off the ground and fly off somewhere."

"That doesn't mean anything. She could still be taken over by that thing."

"Nicole trust me."

"And why should I?" With that he took off his hoodie.

"Pietro!!!!!" I immediately ran up and hugged him. He is actually alive. Wanda will be so happy to find out. I can't believe that he would keep it a secret from everyone.

"Ummmmm...." Then I realized what I just did. I just hugged a guy that I have probably only known for 3 hours so far. I let go and back up from where we were.

"Oh... um.. sorry didn't mean to do that."

"Ummm that's fine I understand why though. Still a little weird because we only know each other from before the battle of Sokovia."

"Oh yeah when you made me spill all my cereal."

"It's not my fault you got scared so easily."


Morning before Sokiva Battle

Today is the day where we are finally taking down that ass Ultron. That makes it sound like he is a person. As you can tell I would really like to kick his tin can butt for messing with everyone. I am not allowed to go because it's dangerous. I get it, of course, I mean Ultron even took Nat and would probably like to hurt me to get at my dad but come on I should go. So I am going to sneak on the Avengers Jet and go with them. Problem is that I am in the kitchen with a toothbrush in my mouth and a bowl of cereal in my hands trying to rush to beat them to the jet which will take off in a few hours. I still have pajamas on. I am such Avengers material.

"You know you aren't coming." I jumped and my whole bowl crashed to the ground. "Wow what a mess you made."

"Well you just scared the shit out of me and who are you anyway and how did you get in here?" The man had silver hair and I think a European accent.

"Oh I'm Pietro, you haven't heard I am a new Avengers member. Well me and my sister are not officially members. They don't really like us that much. Oh and how did I get here I have super speed." Then I a blink of an eye all of the cereal was cleaned up and he was standing next to me.

"Wait are you the two twins that messed with the Avengers?"

"Well technically but we found out what Ultron actually wants to do and that is destroy the world. So now we are going to go stop him or I guess it."

"As long as you don't do anything else to hurt my family I guess we are fine but can I ask you some questions about your speed."

"Ummm I guess that's all right." Then for probably three hours I asked him all the things he could do and all the science behind it.

"Pietro, it's time to go." It was a girl who I did not know with the same accent Pietro had. She went back the way she came.

"That's my twin sister Wanda."

"Thought so. See talking about your power made me totally forget I had to get ready to leave to."

"Well super speed is the greatest power known to man."

"That is completely true." I then started walking towards my room to get ready.

"You know you are not coming."

"Did the rest of the team tell you that."


"I am going. I need to help you guys."

"You know no one is going to allow you to go, not even me. I don't want that pretty face of yours to be hurt."

Present day

"Why haven't you told anyone that you're alive, especially Wanda."

"Nicole, it's complicated."

"Complicated enough to have your sister be depressed and her powers put of control." He didn't answer and just looked at me. He didn't want to talk about it and looked like he would never. Well it was probably a lot for him to take in anyway with being shot. "So did you go to Tahiti with Coulson?"


"Good that's all I need to know."


"Anyway are you going to explain to me why I can't turn on the TV or leave."

"You don't want to know."

"And what do you mean by that."

"If I told you, I know you wouldn't take it well."

"What, don't think I'm strong enough."

"No, I know how strong you are, I mean you took a shot from Captain Marvel, but it's just that it's better for you not to know."

"Well how long do you expect me to stay."

"Haven't really thought that far yet."

"Let me ask something else. How did you know about me fighting Captain Marvel?"

"I have been following all of the Avenger helping out when they need it. With super speed it's not that difficult to travel from Chicago to New York or where ever to help friends out."

"So you were basically stalking me."

"I didn't really think about that." I laughed a little because how did he not even know that that was some major stalking. "Oh I might have broken your suit. I had to rip the suit to get you out."

"Don't worry, it's easy to fix." I walked over to the glass door that went out to the deck and opened it. I then did the arm motion so that the suit would come. In a few seconds each part of the suit come and all of the pieces could barely fly. Even once they came inside each fell immediately to the ground. "Well that's more destroyed then I thought it was going to be."


"Well it is what it is. Um... I'm going to crash on the couch because still don't feel too good."

"No, you can take the bed." I flopped down on the crouch with a loud thud.

"To late, too lazy to get up."

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