The kiss

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I closed my Journal and Started my way to tell peka, But Shadow Beat me up. I was bleeding when I got to her in the forest and she started Bandaging my wounds and said "what happened?"
I said "Shadow found out one of my secrets and beat me... the secret is..... I love you.... More then a Queen...." after my wounds were bandaged she took me to a hideout and set me on the bed there. She laid down beside me, and said "I love you more then a knight....."
I said "You have master Shadow Ill get my Chance someday....." I see her send a text to Shadow and it said "We are Over!" I took off the bandages and put back on my shirt (was taken off for the bandages) and I lay back down crying into a pillow, and Shadow appears. He tries to slash me, but my cloak blocked it. "WHAT DO YOU WANT SHADOW!! YOUR NOT MY MASTER SO YOU CANT HARM ME!!!" I yelled
Peka ran out of the bathroom, and she summoned the OathKeeper, and I summoned the Oblivion and Kingdom Key.
Shadow Tried to Grab her but I slashed at him and said "Leave....... Or Else" After he left I collapsed on the bed and she gave me a kiss, Btt then I blacked Out....

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