School Starts Again

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After Sunday night from the kiss, I woke up in the hideout, with her beside me. I was calm when I saw her there, And I gently put my arm around her. She woke up.
"Good Morning" I said.
She smiled back and said "Morning"
I got up and changed and aent to the main area of the hideout. When she walked out, I was Amazed by he cuteness. She had a a Black Cat beanie on and a black and purple jacket, Purple t-Shirt, and some Black jeans. She caught me staring, and blushed. I looked away real fast. "Ready to go?" I asked.
She said "No!" And ran to the hide outs bath room and locked the door. I heard a little shreak and I saw blood when she was back. "Peka!!" I healed her, but left scars.
I walked out and sat in my truck, Doors locked, windows up.
She knocked, and I rolled the window and asked "What?"
She was crying and said "Im sorry....." I opened the door and she climbed in the passenger seat. I hugged her. She burried her face into my shoulder and cried. After a while, she was ready and we got to school.
We ran to choir and some random girl tried to grab me, and Peka saw it and ran and cried but I pulled away and ran to peka and sat in a corner with her, Holding her tight. That was just the begining.

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