The war of love and Roxas's Dark side

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I Ran to her and tried to comfort her but it wouldnt work. My hand started to turn to pure darkness, I covered it quickly. "Peka.... Plz talk...." She replies "Go away!!!" I said "As you wish....", Then I walk Away and my arm goes to comeplete Darkness. I Run to my Next class and fade into a dark corner. Pekas Looking for me, and shadow grabs her. I run to her and free her but hide again. She comes to me and asks "Why are you hiding?"
I reply "You said Go away"
She sits by me, but it was too late. I started changing. I said "Run" my voice Disoriented
My eyes turn yellow, my body becomes comeplete darkness, and I am locked into a capsule for 5 minutes.
I come out and collapse.
Peka tries to get me but other girls run for me. I teleported near Peka. "Ill see you later...." And I went Home, crying while driving home.... The Darkness took me once. So its time to turn it to a wepon. The Oblivion....

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