The Decsion

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The Queen of the Organization, Alyssa, Was standing in front of me. She said "Come with me." I asked why and she replied "The queen of this realm doesn't love you." I shook my head and threw my keyblade at her and yelled "LIER!!" She showed me a image of Peka with another boy, Hugging her. I started to break. Who should I choose The Queen of my Organization? Or The Queen of this realm I love but is with Another? I teleported to school and I saw her about to kiss Another boy. I said "Its true you dont love me..." She saw me and yelled my name but I ran to the back of the school. Im by myself. I started thinking and then peka came out. "Roxas!" I said "what!?" Im crying, she goes to hug me but I push her away. "What was that about huh, you about kissed another boy! I thought you loved me. I guess I was wrong...." "Roxas wait! You dont understand.... He has spell ring that makes girls fall in love with him Im sorry...."
I was crying so much I didnt notice I started to levitate I started getting more powerful and then I landed on he ground and I was in my cloak. Then Alyssa Appeared. "You shouldnt of done that Peka, You hurt him bad" "Alyssa! What are you doing here!"
"Im here for Roxas I told him choose me or you, and after that stunt i think I win"
I say "I choose myself you both can have one chance but Until you learn how a realationship works, Im gonna be in the shadows, hiding and crying until my wounds heal!"

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