Staying forever

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Attention!!! the spelling in this story is bad as its not proof read but please enjoy


"And a soda ......... thanks"

 "Have a nice day"

 "thanks bye" i said glumly to the shop guy as i headed out to the main intersection of town. It was raining but  i didn't really notice it , i was to busy thinking . My phone beeped and vibrated , i didn't bothering checking it i knew what is was , my dad sends them to me all the time , a reminder to smile. I kept my head down and walked towards a small side shop,  the guy who was by the door let me in without a word. I headed straight  to the couch drinking my raspberry soda along the way . I got comfortable and waited for Buzz (his "name") to enter the room before saying anything." Has he returned" i said staring straight ahead my eyes flicking over all the graffiti across the wall "yes" Buzz replied "is he ......... staying" i asked finally turning to look at him in  all his unshaved and hollow eyed glory. ".............Yes " he said, "Impossible" i whispered my eyes searched his face for some kind of other explanation but he gave nothing away. I then stood up and left , there was nothing for me here .

Once outside i chucked my soda on the ground and started to run , I didn't care about the stares i just wanted to get away from people ,away from that place and away from the truth before it all became too much. 

I sat on a rock and cried until there were no more tears , It couldn't be happening , it just couldn't , my only chance of freedom out of this hell hole blown up in my face because of my own stupidity. Once my eyes were cleared i sat for a while and listened to the sounds of the world around me , 'if only i could stay here forever' i thought . I stood up and shook my head and walked towards home , towards my dad, towards reality.

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