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I woke up in a cold sweat , the final day of my brothers life still filling my head. Shaking all over i sat up and looked around my room. There were random posters everywhere hiding all the cracks and holes in the wall the paint was peeling off everywhere but for that i was glad 'cause i hated the colour anyway, a sickly yellow that looked like throw up.The carpet was the same story, it was so thin you could see the creaking floor boards beneath.I hoped out of bed and headed down the musty, dark hall towards the under decorated kitchen. Once there i pulled out the toaster and tried to create something eatable. I then moved into the lounge and watched the square that i'm sorry to say was a T.V. 

Dad finally got up just as i was leaving for school. He had a hangover ,so he wasn't in the mood for talking which suited me just fine. As i headed out the door he said gruffly "don't be late" , "okay' i nodded and left. On my way to school i couldn't help thinking about the guy who took away my chance of freedom,because you see , there is this very good lawyer who is  going to help my dad on his case of domestic violence and the man slaughter of my brother , that i'm all fine with i just hate his friend who is the guy that decided he wants my dad in jail for life. I know he killed my brother and all but for life really? i mean he is my dad after all and i really don't have anywhere else to go as i would probably have to move to China where my auntie lived and i wouldn't ever get to see him again . Plus i didn't really want to live in china. 

I arrived at school feeling lower that ever , which is when i first started thinking about escaping then  Jay appeared. "Hi Lexy" she said cheerily "hi" i replied "so can you come to mine tomorrow" she asked "nah sorry i have to work" , "but i really need help with maths and you're WAY smarter than me" she said "but....." i said , "please" she cut me off "come on, your my best friend why can't you help me out' she whined 'because your mom's a bi*ch and i can't trust you' i thought but i didn't say it , instead i said "because my dad is making me do this job at 'The Chicken Wing' and if i'm late for the second time on my first two days i'll most likely get fired" i said which was true, i didn't have job so how could i get fired. "Fine" she said and stormed off toward her possy of year 10s who would most likely help her with the maths if she asked. She probably only wanted me because she want another way to torment me about my brother. I felt my anger rising and fought to keep it under control by kicking the stone next to me and taking deep breaths. After about 5 minutes of this the bell made the siren sound which meant it was class and you'd better hurry up because if you were late you'd get detention unless you had a reasonable explanation.

"I hope you're brains are filled and you will remember everything i have told you today and you use your weekend wisely, goodbye" Mrs Brigbe said as the class surged into the hall and joined the sea of people heading out the big double doors.Once away from the crowd i walked at a brisk pace towards a place where i felt free and happy like the chains that bind me during the day are lifted and a huge weight falls off. It was the place i could got to escape for a while before i saw my dad . I just wish it was permanent , 'The glade' is what i called it  , it was my spot and was very special to me , every time i went there i remember the first time . I was coming home from the same school i'm at now and me and Mac decided to take a detour into the forest , don't ask me why ..... we felt rebellious, well thats what Mac said anyway. It was spooky at first but then i started to enjoy it so i told Mac that i need to pee because i wanted to be by myself for a while , which was weird because me and Mac did everything together and hardly ever wanted to be separated. But i did and while i was 'peeing' i came across it and instantly fell in love .The huge jagged rock in the middle and the green ring of trees with tiny pink flowers circling it making it into a clearing,with nice light green grass that felt great on feet. While i stood there in complete awe i heard a smal trickling sound of a little steam with nice fresh water and tiny fish swiming everywhere . I raced back to Mac intending to tell him but i stopped it was my place and my alone , everyone has secrets and this was mine.

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