
26 3 5

 I shall not update til I get one comment

The arrow instead of shooting forward went backwards into my face and stabbing me in the eye. I stumbled forwards blindly searching for my water bottle , i couldn't find it instead i plunged my face into the snow and let the throbbing calm down.After a while i sat up and gingerly rubbed the tender patch , it hurt ,

A lot

I attempted to open the eye and failed miserably instead sending warning signals up to my brain to leave the eye be , i next tried the other eye it worked, 

Kind of 

I opened it a crack before the other eye strained to be opened too , I opened it a bit wider , nope to far the pain was quickly becoming unbearable. I moaned and rocked on the ground , red hot blood was dribbling down my face like tears and i had no idea what to do. So i sat and moaned clenching my teeth wishing the pain away. 

It didn't work

Not that i expected it to anyway. Eventually i came to the decision to open my good eye as wide as possible and do what i could to stem the bleeding. I crawled over to a near by tree making shallow tracks in the white snow. leaning against the tree trunk , i lightly pushed my fingers against my fast swelling eye lid and opened my other eye as wide as i could. It helped my eye stopped straining ,

But it didn't stop the pain

One eyed i looked around for something to wrap over my eye , after searching for a while i realized that there was nothing elastic enough to wrap around my head. That was until i spotted vines hanging off a tree about 50 meters away. Staggering i dragged myself forward towards the vines , it took me longer than it  would a tortoise to reach them it was noon before i did , it just goes to show pain takes it's toll REALLY fast.

Too fast

I yanked on the vine hopping it would slip off the branch easily , it didn't , i came to the conclusion to saw away at it with a sharp edged rock that i had glanced at out of the corner of my one working eye. I picked it up and started sawing which was extremely difficult , not just because the vine was tough and the rock not very sharp but because the tedious job required two hands so i couldn't hold the eye lid down and when i once again strained my eye too hard waves of pain went through my body not unlike an electric shock and bile rose up my throat , i wanted to scream , 

So i did

The sound rippled in the silence sending an echo around the whole forest and pursuing birds away from the trees screeching in their flight as if death himself waas coming to collect them. I fell to the ground and beat my fists in to the soft snow , i know it was stupid wasting all my energy but i couldn't help it. Everything was overwhelming me , the loss of my brother, My drunken father, getting lost and then making such a stupid mistake as to let myself lose such an important tool , my eye,  which i knew without knowing meant that i would be blinded forever. 

Stupid stupid stupid 

The word went round and round in my head mocking me and my pathetic survival techniques. I screamed again but this time no reaction came , the forest and its animals had already adapted itself to the noise. Tears trickled down my cheeks as well as blood now , i sat up taking deep breaths slowly calming myself. After a while i stood up and held down my eyelid so i could have a look around for the rock again. I picked it up and roughly started hacking at the vine , blind so i could use two hands. I grew tired quickly but didn't stop til the vine was cut all the way through. I held the strip of vine in my hand and slowly wound it around my head. It pressed into my eye. 

It hurt

So i slid it off and with the rock in hand slit the middle ,Juice of some kind was flowing out of it , i thought it might sooth my eye so once again i wrapped it over my eye and around my head , it helped slightly and did not hurt my eye "I feel stupid" i said loudly my voice cracking and my throat raw from all the screaming. My tummy growled loudly , right i forgot after all that time i still did not have any food to fill my aching stomach, i decided to head back to where i had attempted to shoot the rabbit and see what had become of it.

There was nothing

No trace a rabbit had ever nibbled at some dying grass , the only thing left was my shitty bow'n'arrow which i took pleasure in snapping. My stomach growled again , if i didn't eat something soon i was going to starve. Lifting up my top i took a peak at my white belly , the bones of my rib cage were clearly visible , same with my hips , I was losing weight ,


I went out searching the undergrowth for anything eatable, sand flies bit at my shivering skin , crawling up my top and biting me on open flesh. Too cold and hungry to care i kept searching for some sign of animal life, after a time i found some , a lizard as soon as it saw me it started to slither away in fright , desperate for food i grabbed at it , i caught hold of it tail and picked it up , but no somehow it got away from me , the lizard had dropped to the ground and was moving away, but i was still holding it? , 'W..What ' i thought bewildered. Then it hit me some lizards can lose their tails and then grow them back , my shoulders slumped and i slid on to the ground in defeat ,night was almost upon me and i still had nothing to eat , i didn't have any tears left to cry so instead i found my way into a little hollow and curled up to sleep.

But i couldn't 

I shall reiterate myself , i won't update til i get at least one comment

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