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I biked all round town not knowing where to go or what to do as i had no other family in these parts and no one i could trust. Instead i biked until the rusty wheels gave up on me and all i could do was walk it stopping every so often to catch my breath. I kept walking around aimlessly wondering where to go when it hit me 'The Glade' the one place where i could feel at peace. Now with a purpose i sped up following my usual route without really knowing it. I stopped at a shop on the way and used the little change i had on me to buy a doughnut and a bottle of water. After what seemed like forever i reached the forest, knowing that the clearing was just ahead of me i dumped the bike and broke into a jog but stopped abruptly as someone broke out in giggles just ahead of me , i then approached with caution my heart beating rather fast. I found myself right in the last tree line before you enter the clearing , and there on the rock was Dana with her boyfriend Jack, they were making out and basically eating each others faces off. I backed away very slowly no wanting to be caught spying, when i was far enough away i broke into a run ,  blundering my way through the forest , not caring where i went, just wanting to get away without being caught. I heard a shout behind me and picked up the pace. the tree branches whipping me, but i didn't stop not for another 20 minutes or so it felt. I came to halt and just stood for a while , taking my surroundings and breathing heavily. I was deep in the forest, my first thought was that there were pine trees. Everywhere! My second was, how do i get back? I sank down on to a flat piece of ground,still looking around. I had no idea what to do should i try and get back? Or just.............. die here? 

I decided to try and find my way back, so i got up and attempted to trace where i had run which at first was difficult but got easier as i could see the wood that i had trampled on in my hast to get away from that horrible scene ,i still could not believe that my only peaceful place could , would  and was put to such use. I shook my head trying to rid myself of the image. After a while i realized i had been subconsciously  following an animal trail and that i had gone off course i tried to back track but afraid that i would get lost i stopped, a shiver when down my spine when i thought the word lost in my head , i wouldn't get lost i had a plan and i was going to succeed. Right?....... I started to back track again and that was when i hit a little snag as there was two other animal trails leading off this one. Which one had i come from? My heart started to race. I leaned against a tree and breathed deeply trying to get my bearings. Obviously i had come from one of them and it was a simply matter of choosing the right one. I ended up picking the main trail that when straight down the middle as it was easiest to follow so i probably would be able to get back and choose a different one if it turns out to be the wrong one. After a some time i started to get anxious thinking that i did not subconsciously  follow a trail for this long and i would have to turn back or i would get lost, there was that word again lost i started to shake uncontrollably , hoping against hope that i would find my way back, i kept following the trail as it was my only lead and rubbed my arms , night had fallen , it was cold. After another 5 minutes i decided that i would have to find a place to sleep as my eyes were drooping with tiredness , i had no idea what time it was as my phone had been left at home, eventually i came across a fallen tree that had been hollowed out it'll have to do i thought as there was hardly any light left because the moon can't shine through so many trees, if the moon was there. I clambered in it was squishy and damp but moss had accumulated over time and it was quiet comfortable .... for a while. 

I woke to a dazzling light,  i screwed up my eyes and lay there for a while slowly i opened them ,careful to not open them to fast because i knew it would hurt. When i did finally get them open i started to take in my surroundings , everything was white, pale white like paper i was confused for a moment then a massive shiver when through my whole body ,and i realized, it was snowing , winter had come  in all its freezing glory. I got out of the tree trunk and stumbled forward where i fell over ,  i tried to get up but my legs gave way beneath me and i fell into a fresh pile of snow ,white and fluffy. What was wrong with me? I rubbed my legs , i couldn't feel them or at least my legs couldn't feel my hands, they were stone cold. "Must just be too cold to work properly" i mumbled to myself , my voice had grown hoarse after its day of no use. I decided that my best bet would be to get up and get moving as my legs would properly warm up after a while and work well. So i got up and stumbled around for a while til i got the hang of moving again and then i walked, in a random direction as i didn't know where to go because i was .............. well i didn't want to think about the dreaded word again so i just huffed and started thinking about the weather, humming a stupid tune from a movie when i was little to myself.

I waked for a few hours in the direction i thought was north, i was constantly shivering because all i had was my jersey and track pants when it was about -1 degrees my lips which were usually rosy pink had gone blue and i thought my body had gone permanently bumps as the goose bumps had stayed on my skin for so long, but i was putting off making any extra clothes (which i knew how to do from all the survival books i had read) for the simple reason of finality 'cause if i made clothes it would make the reality of my situation more real and even more scared. I had nothing no tools no warm clothes no help and especially no one, what i did have though was a bottle of frozen water and a doughnut , i was saved! Ha ha yeah i wish. I kept walking trying to ration my doughnut so it would last me longer, i attempted to use what was let of my body heat to unfreeze my water as i knew it was bad to eat snow because it could freeze you from the inside out, it didn't work.

It had just gone afternoon and i was tired , way more tired than i should have been i guessed that being cold had sapped my energy. Knowing i couldn't put it of any longer i stopped and sat down at the closest sheltered patch of ground and got to work. First i snapped some sticks and twigs , got so grass and damp leaves i started to weave them together in a slow circle and ended up making a cylinder that worked okay as a weird shirt that was strapless, that was all i had time for , as night was coming and i had to find some where to sleep. 

Once snuggled in to my little hole (i had manged to find a big enough rabbit hole) i fell asleep quite quickly  which was quite an achievement , owing to the fact that  i had become quite restless over the past few nights with my bad dreams about my brother"s last days. But i guess fatigue just took over and i fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.

I awoke at the crack of dawn by the chatter of birds, chirping as if there was no tomorrow. Bleary eyes and shivering i shimmed out of the rabbit hole and into a fresh blanket of snow that had fell during the night. I yawned and rubbed my eyes, I licked my lips , they were dry and cracked, so was my mouth. I decided that first up i was going to unfreeze that water and get some fluid into me as i knew dehydration was a bad way to go from this world and not a way i wanted to go. So without standing up i went to the nearest snow-less patch of ground and continued with my weird cylinder top thingy doing another layer because it was quite useless , it kept out none of the cold though and i soon realized that i would really need animal fur if i wanted to make any difference to the temperature of my body. So after saying a few of my dads choicest swear words i started making a something rather to catch a rabbit, which was very difficult for three reasons, one: i had no tools two : i only knew how to do it from theory and three: i was shivering uncontrollably which make it very hard to think.But i got there in the end i placed my contraption on the ground and stood back to admire my handi work. It was crudely done with uneven edges , weird bits sticking out and i thought it would break at any moment but i  it was a pretty good first try at a bow 'n' arrow and i couldn't wait to test it out. To my delight my test came soon after my successful creation , my first rabbit came sneakily up behind me. i felt its hot breath on my back and did a little jump with fright. To my surprise it didn't sprint away it just sat looking curiuosly up at me and the hopped 3 feet in front of me and stated nibbling away at a patch of dieing grass. Thinking this would be my best shot i cautiously picked up my bow 'n' arrow and took aim. The rabbit looked at me again and didn't look away while i started to pull back the stick and released and just when i hoped everything would go right, it all when horribly wrong.

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